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Quick Overview
Artifact Information
Magic angle
Increase of the T2 time, bright signal in tendons
Angle about 55° to the main magnetic field
Angle not about 55°
The magic angle is a precisely defined angle, the value is approximately 54.7°. Hence, two nuclei with a dipolar coupling vector at an angle of approximately 54.7° to a strong external magnetic field have zero dipolar coupling.
Magic angle spinning is a technique in solid-state NMR spectroscopy, which employs this principle to remove or reduce dipolar couplings, thereby increasing spectral resolution. In MRI, the magic angle effect visualizes as bright spots through an increased T2 time on short echo time (TE) images, for e.g. collagen fibers of tendons and ligaments, which are oriented at the magic angle of approximately 54.7° to the magnetic field.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Take care that tendons and ligaments are not oriented at about a 54.7° angle to the main magnetic field.
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Further Reading:
Magic angle
Magic Angle Effects
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