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Magnitude Image
The normal image display, at which the grey scale of a display element corresponds to the magnitude of the MR signal.
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Displacement Encoding with Stimulated EchoesInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(DENSE) Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes is a functional cardiac MRI pulse sequence, used to create maps of myocardial displacement with high resolution.
The DENSE magnitude images produce black blood images to show better myocard-blood contrast and to reduce motion artifacts.

See also Myocardial Late Enhancement, Spin Tagging, Coronary Angiography with D-Tagging, Cardiovascular Imaging, and Black Blood MRA.

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Further Reading:
Latest Pulse Sequence for Displacement-encoded MR Imaging Incorporates Essential Technical Improvements for Multiphase Measurement of Intramyocardial Strain
March 2004   by    
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Field Even Echo Rephasing
The FEER method was the first clinically useful flow quantification method using phase effects, from which all spin phase related flow quantification techniques currently in use are derived.
In this sequence a gradient echo is measured after a gradient with flow compensation. The measured signal phase should be zero for all pixels. A deviation from gradient symmetry by shifting the gradient ramp slightly away from the symmetry condition will impart a defined phase shift to the magnetization vectors associated with spins from pixels with flow.
Slight stable variations in the magnetic field across the imaging volume will prevent the phase angle from being uniformly zero throughout the volume in the flow-compensated image. The first image (acquired without gradient shift) serves as reference, defining the values of all pixel phase angles in the flow (motion) compensated sequence. Ensuing images with gradient phase shifts imparted in each of the 3 spatial axes will then permit measurement of the 3 components of the velocity vector v = (vx, vy, vz) by calculating the respective phases px, py and pz by simply subtracting the pixel phases measured in the compensated image from the 3 images with a well defined velocity sensitization.
The determination of all 3 components of the velocity vector requires the measurement of 4 images.
The phase quantification requires an imaging time four times longer than the simple measurement of a phase image and associated magnitude image. If only one arbitrary flow direction is of interest, it suffices to acquire the reference image plus one image velocity sensitized in the arbitrary direction of interest.

See also Flow Quantification.
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A microscopic group of spins, which resonate at the same frequency. The spin precesses around a circle in the xy-plane and the net magnetization is the length, amplitude or magnitude of the magnetization vector Mxy: the quantity normally represented on a pixel-by-pixel basis in a MR image (thus amplitude or magnitude image).

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Multi Echo Data Image CombinationInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(MEDIC) MEDIC is a heavily T2* weighted spoiled gradient echo sequence with multiple echoes. MEDIC uses a series of identically phase encoded gradient echoes, sampled per line in k-space. Unipolar frequency encoding gradients are used to achieve flow compensation and to avoid off resonance effects. For each echo the magnitude images are reconstructed and postprocessed by using a sum of squares algorithm to improve the signal to noise ratio. The increased receiver bandwidth reduces the T2* effects and impairment of the spatial resolution.
The multi echo data image combination sequence is potentially useful in imaging of cartilage in joints.

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