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P Pulse
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MRI Resources 
Universities - Process Analysis - MRI Accidents - MRI Technician and Technologist Career - Homepages - Nerve Stimulator
Multiple Sensitive Point
Sequential line imaging technique utilizing two orthogonal oscillating magnetic field gradients, a SFP pulse sequence, and signal averaging to isolate the NMR spectrometer sensitivity to a desired line in the body.
MRI Resources 
Shoulder MRI - Guidance - Contrast Agents - Universities - Developers - Manufacturers
Pulse, 180°
RF pulse designed to rotate the macroscopic magnetization vector 180° in space as referred to the rotating frame of reference, usually about an axis at right angles to the main magnetic field. If the spins are initially aligned with the magnetic field, this pulse will produce inversion. Also called P Pulse.
Further Reading:
Clinical evaluation of a speed optimized T2 weighted fast spin echo sequence at 3.0 T using variable flip angle refocusing, half-Fourier acquisition and parallel imaging
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Searchterm 'P Pulse' was also found in the following services: 
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Adiabatic Radio Frequency Pulses
Adiabatic RF pulses are amplitude and frequency modulated pulses that are insensitive to the effects of B1-inhomogeneity and frequency offset (conventional RF pulses used in MRI are only amplitude modulated). Due to an extended application time adiabatic RF pulses are mostly used in NMR imaging applications.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Adiabatic Radio Frequency Pulses' (2).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Knee MRI - Cardiovascular Imaging - Spine MRI - Contrast Enhanced MRI - Shielding - MRI Reimbursement
Binomial PulsesInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
A sequence of two or more pulses with a null response at a particular frequency used to suppress the water signal in localized proton spectroscopy.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Binomial Pulses' (2).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
MRI Technician and Technologist Jobs - Equipment - Bioinformatics - Safety Training - MRI Technician and Technologist Schools - Guidance
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