From ISOL Technology
'RELAX is open type MRI system created by making up for the weakness of existing conventional MR systems and applying the strength and the application of the middle to high field MR without uncompromising the image quality.
RELAX offers you a premium mix of form, performance and functionality that are patient and user
friendly beyond comparison.
- New breed of MRI pursuing
- patients comfort'
ISOL Technology participated in the pioneering the Korea's MRI development since the early 1980's. In spite of the rapidly changing business environment, and severe competition in the overall medical market, ISOL Technology has grown steadily each year and has established itself as a major provider of Magnetic Resonance(MR) Imaging Systems in Korea.
ISOL Technology also has the largest market share of the domestic bone densitometry equipment sales and is currently in the early stages of development of the 61 channel MCG (Magnetocardiography) system with the R and D funds from the Korean Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy.