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Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Short bore compact
Standard: head, body, C1, C3; Optional: Small joint, flex-E, flex-R, endocavitary (L and S), dual TMJ, knee, neck, T/L spine, breast; Optional phased array: Spine, pediatric, 3rd party connector, Flex-S-M-L, flex body, flex cardiac, neuro-vascular, head
SE, Modified-SE ( TSE), DAVE, STIR, FLAIR, SPIR, MTC, Dynamic, Keyhole, CLEAR, Q Flow, Balanced FFE, Multi Chunk 3D, Multi Stack 3D, FFE-EPI, SE-EPI, IR-EPI, GRASE, Diffusion Imaging, Perfusion Imaging;; Angiography: Inflow MRA, TONE, PCA, CE MRA
RapidView Recon. greater than 500 @ 256 Matrix
128 x 128, 256 x 256,512 x 512,1024 x 1024
Variable in 1% increments
Lum.: 120 cd/m2; contrast: 150:1
Variable (op. param. depend.)
380/400 V
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(IRSE) Form of inversion recovery imaging in which the signal is detected as a spin echo. For TE short compared to the T2 relaxation time, there will be only a small e ffect of T2 di fferences on image intensities; for longer TE's, the e ffect of T2 may be significant. | |  | | | Further Reading: | Basics:
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Atomic nuclei that contain the same number of protons, but di ffer in the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom for the element concerned. For example, 1H, 2H, and 3H are the three isotopes of hydrogen, otherwise known as proton, deuterium, and tritium. Various isotopes have di fferent nuclear magnetic moments and di fferent resonant frequencies. Many isotopes have no magnetic moment and are therefore not observable by MR.
See also Isomer. | |  | | • View the DATABASE results for 'Isotope' (6).
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