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MRI Resource Directory:
Functional MRI
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
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MR-Physik Departement Medizinische Radiologie Universitätsspital / Unive-
rsität Basel
Open this link in a new window
MR Physik
[Keywords: balanced, SSFP, fMRI, interventional, functional, MRA, ]
MRImain Open this link in a new window
mritool_web Open this link in a new window
a Matlab tool for functional Magnetic Resonance Image reconstruction.
Organization for Human Brain Mapping Open this link in a new window
[Keywords: functional, brain mapping techniques such as PET, SPECT, fMRI, EEG, MEG, optical imaging and neuroanatomical tools for assessment of the functioning of the human brain]
The Functional MRI (fMRI) Network Open this link in a new window
A huge collections of links to sites relating to fMRI, NMR, and MRI related issues.
The Future Role of functional MRI in Medical Applications Open this link in a new window
The goal of this presentation was to introduce the basics of fMRI and to suggest potential future applications in neuro-oncology.
The SHEFC Brain Imaging Center for Scotland Open this link in a new window
neuroimaging,neuro imaging,diffusion imaging,perfusion imaging,functional imaging,chemical shift imaging
[Keywords: brain imaging research, neuro-imaging, neuroimaging, medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion imaging, diffusion weighted imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, perfusion imaging, functional imaging, chemical shift imaging, mr angiography, mr spectroscopy, single voxel spectroscopy, haemodynamics, hemody ...]
UCSD fMRI Center Open this link in a new window
UCSD fMRI Center, Software Engineering Department
WATCHING THE BRAIN IN ACTION: Functional Topographic Mapping of the Cortex-
with Conventional MRI Scanners
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[Keywords: Scientific Computing, Nigel Goddard, brain, cognitive neuroscience, functional MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), imaging technology, brain-mapping, working memory, neurons, AIR (Automatic Image Registration) software, brain disturbances, topographic mapping, cortex]
For the professional radiographer:
Database, Resources, News, etc.
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As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' -- probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.
- Woody Allen
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