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Trent Mcl

Sat. 1 Feb.14,

[Start of:
'MRI of knee ? bone fragment (pic attached)'
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Applications and Examinations

MRI of knee ? bone fragment (pic attached)
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can help me with the provisional diagnosis of my MRI of my R knee. The technician said appears to be a fracture. Was walking down stairs at work and landed hard on R leg. Pain since.

Can anyone confirm this with attached MRI image. It appears to me a fragment is there but i could be very wrong.

I got ortho review in 5 days.

Any help is much appreciated


Paramedic, Australia
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Mollie Eastman

Wed. 22 Jan.14,

[Start of:
'GE Platforms'
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Devices, Scanner, Machines

GE Platforms
Does anyone know where I can find more information about the different types of GE MRI Platforms? I have experience with several different versions, and would like to know more about versions are out there. Or can someone explain to me how they are categorized? It seems everyone knows about the different types, but there is no where to learn about them
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Jennifer King

Wed. 13 Nov.13,

[Start of:
'MRI of pelvic floor'
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Applications and Examinations

MRI of pelvic floor
I had pelvic floor surgery earlier this year, long story short. Ever since then I have had a lot of new pelvic pain. My question is, would a MRI pick up if my pelvic floor had damage or has been stitched back together incorrectly etc?

Any comments would be great, thanks
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Derek Andrade

Thu. 7 Nov.13,

[Start of:
'"Gadolinium Enhanced MRI" safety question?'
0 Reply]

Contrast Agents

"Gadolinium Enhanced MRI" safety question?
Is having 2 separate "Gadolinium Enhanced MRI's" within 3 days safe? I have a Gd-MRI for my SI joint scheduled. 3 days later I have another Gd-MRI for my brain. I don't have kidney problems.
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Glenn wathern

Wed. 9 Oct.13,

[Reply (8 of 10) to:
'ARMRIT in California?'
started by: 'James Benitez'
on Wed. 4 Jan.12]


ARMRIT in California?
If one looks into the two, ARRT and ARMRIT, one will find ARRT approved schools are generally associated with four year colleges and ARMRIT schools are generally associated vocational medical colleges. As for the ability to cross train or get both certifications that is really not a reality. I talked to a person at ARRT and was told in order to become certified by them a MRI tec must have attended an ARRT approved school. Twenty years of MRI experience wouldn't get you in the door, her words. And like wise ARMRIT certification is earned from attending an ARMRIT approved school. For those who can not find a job, I would be curious as to how far they were willing to go to find work. I would also question his or her employability. Some people want to be singers, some want to be actors. If one doesn't posses the characteristics an employer is looking for then he or she will not get hired. Those being the communication, and interpersonal skills needed to fit in to the work place. Posting pictures in yellow and black face and using derogatory terms to describe organizations doesn't bode well for ones character. I have found the starting pay is about the same. Possessing a four year degree seems to be the only way to get the supervisor and head of department jobs, which do pay more obviously. Obtaining a degree on line or by attending a school while working can fix the problem of apparent income disparity. There are jobs out there if a person is willing to relocate and for his or her chosen profession. Jobs are not always going to be available where you are planted. Be willing to move for a job and look at the experience as an adventure and a new chapter in your life.
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