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MRI Forum
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Artemiy Artemiy

Wed. 21 Mar.12,

[Reply (3 of 4) to:
'How to estimate areas of lesion on MRI in multiple sclerosis'
started by: 'Artemiy Artemiy'
on Fri. 16 Mar.12]

Applications and Examinations

How to estimate areas of lesion on MRI in multiple sclerosis
I am ready to present some links:
Cognitive correlates of supratentorial atrophy on MRI in multiple sclerosis
Cerebral atrophy and disability in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis over four years
Resolution-dependent estimates of lesion volumes in magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain in multiple sclerosis
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Tanya Vi

Sat. 18 Feb.12,

[Reply (14 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
Hello to everyone,
I would like to ask what is the best way for foreign Radiology Technologist to work in USA? I am interested in MRI field and I am currently work on MRI,CT,Mammography and X-ray in private clinic in Bulgaria. I have obtained Bachelor Degree in 2004 with tree years training course.
My question is what I have to do if I want to work in USA?
Is anybody who has an experience with that?
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Tanya Vi

Sat. 18 Feb.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Looking to Become Licensed/Credentialed'
started by: 'Jack McIntire'
on Tue. 1 Nov.11]

Reimbursements and Costs

Looking to Become Licensed/Credentialed
Hello to everyone,
I would like to ask what is the best way for foreign Radiology Technologist to work in USA? I am interested in MRI field and I am currently work on MRI,CT,Mammography and X-ray in private clinic in Bulgaria. I have obtained Bachelor Degree in 2004 with tree years training course.
My question is what I have to do if I want to work in USA?
Is anybody who has an experience with that?
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Karen Lesley

Thu. 26 Jan.12,

[Reply (4 of 7) to:
'Imaging optic neuritis'
started by: 'Karen Lesley'
on Wed. 18 Jan.12]


Imaging optic neuritis
Thanks Anna :-)

I've recommended thin coronal STIR (the "axial" in my original post was a mistake - I do know better, promise!) and FLAIR.

The ON is longstanding, so may not show with gadolinium, but worth a try if the budget will stretch so will add that too.

Thanks again.
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James Benitez

Wed. 4 Jan.12,

[Start of:
'ARMRIT in California?'
9 Replies]


ARMRIT in California?
Does anybody know the general laws regarding ARMRIT techs and being employed in hospitals? I've noticed that most hospitals don't accept ARMRIT techs for some reason, but the Los Angeles County hospital now accepts the certification as a qualification when hiring for MRI technologists. I don't know if there's a law banning ARMRIT from private hospitals because if the county accepts it, then I'm assuming there isn't a law.

It's pretty frustrating to experience being rejected because you're not ARRT-- even if it's for an MRI position. I can understand if the job requires you work in different modalities other than MRI, but I'm assuming not all hospitals/imaging centers require their MRI techs to do more than MRIs.

I believe that ARMRIT techs are just as qualified to do MRI's as any other certification. ARMRIT techs are actually trained specifically for MRI. ARRT-only techs only need some on-the-job training. They're not required to pass any MRI exams (although they may get ARRT-MRI cert if they wish) or take MRI-specific classes. ARMRIT techs are. I would say that if you compare an ARMRIT tech vs. an ARRT tech who both just graduated and are ready to work, the ARMRIT tech is actually more qualified to do MRIs.

I'm not trying to discredit the non-MRI certified ARRT techs. I'm just trying to lay out the logical reasons why ARMRIT should not be dismissed to do MRIs. I do believe, however, that MRI should go the way of ultrasound, in that it should be considered separate from radiology in the sense that it doesn't use ionizing radiation. This use of totally different technologies and means of acquiring images should be recognized by the hospitals and imaging centers, and should not rule out ARMRIT because of the power of the ARRT lobby.

I believe the universal acceptance of ARMRIT as a respectable certifying body would help hospitals and imaging centers become more competitive and may be able to cut costs because ARMRIT techs may accept less pay just to get their foot in the door and work for a larger company.

If any of you has any information or suggestions on how to get ARMRIT accepted as a qualification to all MRI facilities, please let us all know.

Also, if anybody has any information on how Oregon, Ohio, or West Virginia allowed ARMRIT techs to be board certified, please include it here too.

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