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MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
George LoGuirato

Thu. 8 Jul.10,

[Reply (1 of 4) to:
'please help me for find user manual siemens avento'
started by: 'reza beigi'
on Tue. 6 Jul.10]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

please help me for find user manual siemens avento
If your scanner is under contract with Siemens they can provide one. However, what you probably need is available through context sensitive help. Press the "F1" key at any time and you will get on screen help pertaining to the 'active' area of the screen you have displayed. Example: You are setting up a scan and have the "RESOLUTION" tab displayed. Press "F1" and you'll get help on the "RESOLUTION" settings.
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Mon. 24 May.10,

[Reply (13 of 26) to:
'MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia'
started by: 'Mosta Mosta'
on Tue. 3 Mar.09]


MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia
14- years working experience in Liaquat National Hospital & Post graduate Medical Center Karachi, as a Sr. MRI Technologist/ Incharge of MRI Department/Asst.Manager Radiology.
I want to work as an Sr.MRI Technologist in an environment where I can apply my overall experience, and management skills.
Sound knowledge & valuable experience in MRI to perform routine & advance applications like MR Angiography, MR Urography, MRCP, MR Myelography, MR Cisternography, Dynamic MRA & highly sophisticated procedures like diffusion, dynamic perfusion, moving bed & peripheral MRA, Breast dynamic studies, Renal MRA, Carotid MRA, functional MRI of brain (Bold Imaging), MR spectroscopy, estimation of liver iron concentration by MRI, musculoskeletal MR imaging, pelvic and abdominal MRI, chest and abdominal MRA, Dynamic MRA for vertebral artery dissection etc...

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Oliver Lyttelton

Mon. 1 Mar.10,

[Reply (8 of 12) to:
'90 excitation pulse vs 180 inversion pulse'
started by: 'Bjorn Redfors'
on Sat. 27 Jun.09]

Basics and Physics

90 excitation pulse vs 180 inversion pulse
Okay, so this thread is answering close to a question I had, which is how to conceptually understand what happens with alpha>90 degrees excitation pulses.
I can imagine spinning tops, precessing at the Larmor frequency, I can imagine that as you apply the excitation pulse which is always in the transverse plane to the main magnet, you start to pull the tops further away from the B0 axis and bring them into coherence so like lots of little lighthouses they are all bright/dark in phase with each other. I can imagine a 90 degree pulse bring the spins completely into the transverse plane. I can imagine them relaxing, dephasing quickly and then slowly reducing their angle of precession back up towards initial state close to direction B0.

But what I can't understand in my (rather newtonian) model, is what happens as you continue to excite beyond the 90 degree transverse plane. I sort of get that somehow the spins continue to rotate in some (weird) dimension, and that they have to come back through that (weird) dimension first before returning from 90 degrees back to the relaxed state. But what happens in "weird" dimension is beyond my conceptual model. Can someone extend my model for me, preferrably without signal equations?

tar muchly,

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alex dacles

Sat. 27 Feb.10,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'ARRT vs.ARMRIT exams'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Fri. 22 Jan.10]


ARRT vs.ARMRIT exams
Thanks Sunny for your reply it means that I need to abandon my plan to set an exam for arrt registry I am graduated from Philippines actively practising as MRI Radiographer here in United kingdom. i'm not quite sure if they are open for foreigner Radiographer as our curriculum based on american standard i'm trying to read the requirements to set an exam I didn't spot any article for foreign graduate who wants to practise in USA.
I tried to inquired in ARMRIT they are pretty helpful I'm not 100% convinced to set an exam as it seems difficult and complicated to start my career again in US.

Thanks again


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David Brooks

Tue. 22 Dec.09,

[Start of:
'Scan equation I don't get, HELP'
2 Replies]

Basics and Physics

Scan equation I don't get, HELP
Here's the question:
The approximate scan time of a rapid spin echo sequence with a TR of 3500ms, a TE of 90ms, a 256x256 matrix, 1 exicitation, a 220mm FOV and an echo train length of 5 is______ minutes.

Formal they give is 3500msx1x256/5=?
b. 8
c. 11
d. 15

I get 179200. What am I missing in my studies and the math?
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