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reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
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Pim vanOoij

Thu. 19 Mar.09,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'PCA aliasing problem'
started by: 'Pim vanOoij'
on Fri. 27 Feb.09]


PCA aliasing problem
This is not spatial aliasing I am talking about, but velocity aliasing. This means that when your velocity encoding parameter is set to 100 cm/s and true velocity in a certain pixel is 120 cm/s, the measured velocity will be -80 cm/s.

In my problem however, with a velocity encoding parameter of 100 cm/s, in certain pixels I measure a velocity of around -60 cm/s where an actual velocity of 40 cm/s exists, which is a real mystery to me.

I don't think increasing FOV will prevent this from happening. Maybe it has something to do with velocity aliasing in other parts of the FOV, where true flow velocity of 110-120 cm/s exists, but I wouldn't know why. Anyone? Thanks.
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Reader Mail

Thu. 5 Mar.09,

[Reply (3 of 4) to:
'mri per diem tech'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Wed. 17 Sep.08]


mri per diem tech
Hello! I just read your posting about needing a MRI Tech per diem. I know it was months ago, however I am hopeful that you might still be looking (or looking again) for a tech. If so, please let me know I can work any hours you need per diem, full time, part time or temporary. I have experience on a Hitatchi AIRIS II and on Philips Proview. I am a team player and I work very hard to be quick and efficent. You can email me at if you want me to send you my resume.
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Reader Mail

Thu. 5 Mar.09,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'mri per diem tech'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Wed. 17 Sep.08]


mri per diem tech
Hello! I just read your posting about needing a MRI Tech per diem. I know it was months ago, however I am hopeful that you might still be looking (or looking again) for a tech. If so, please let me know I can work any hours you need per diem, full time, part time or temporary. I have experience on a Hitatchi AIRIS II and on Philips Proview. I am a team player and I work very hard to be quick and efficent. You can email me back if you want me to send you my resume. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!

Tiana Browner
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James McCleery

Tue. 17 Feb.09,

[Start of:
'Hibiscus tea as a negative oral contrast'
1 Reply]

Contrast Agents

Hibiscus tea as a negative oral contrast
Looking for current information regarding the usage of hibiscus tea as a negative oral contrast for MRCP studies.
Current information have can be found at:

Any help finding more current information regarding usage, dosage, contraindications, ie..
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Daren L

Tue. 20 Jan.09,

[Start of:
'New type of job for CT/MR Tech.'
1 Reply]


New type of job for CT/MR Tech.
I have been an MR Tech. for about 11 years now. CT for 4 years. I have pretty much always had a job scanning the bread-and-butter type of exams. I recently saw a job opening for a CT/MR Tech. who pretty much just does 3D reconstructions all day long. Not much scanning. I am interested in this type of job but haven't done much 3D stuff. Would I qualify for this type of job or is there a lot of training/experience that this job would require in 3D applications?
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