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Forum Overview
Reader Mail

Wed. 12 Dec.07,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'double ir physic'
started by: 'soontorn siriserussa'
on Sun. 2 Dec.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

double ir physic
Different types of double inversion recovery (DIR, 2IR) sequences are used to improve the suppression of blood signal (black blood technique) or to null the signals from two different tissue types (e.g. white matter and cerebrospinal fluid).
The black blood technique (used in cardiovascular MRI) works with two inversion pulses, where the first pulse is nonselective and the second pulse is slice-selective. TI is set to a value at which the signal of the recovering inverted blood is zero (
The second technique (also named gray matter only) is used in brain imaging to improve the detection of lesions, for example in the diagnostic of multiple sclerosis. Two 180° pulses with different TI are used to suppress two different types of tissue simultaneously.

Hope this helps
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Reader Mail

Wed. 17 Oct.07,

[Start of:
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

What does normal signal in the diffusion-weighted images mean?

Would a large brain tumor show normal signal in diffusion-weighted images?

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bob smith

Wed. 17 Oct.07,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'does the metaloceramic dental crowns are problem for MRI'
started by: 'Dimitar Todorov'
on Thu. 9 Mar.06]


does the metaloceramic dental crowns are problem for MRI
hey everyone

I had an MRI (1.5 Tesla) and I have a dental crown and bridge, and metal fillings. I think I have the metal bonding porcelain crowns made with Nickel-Chromium, but it doesn’t matter. You will feel nothing. It doesn’t matter if you have titanium, or anything else. The MRI people are more worried about metal in soft tissue which can move around during the scan. Anything on your teeth or bone is fixed and therefore won’t cause problems. And for the patient, who cares about pain / discomfort, there is none, you’ll experience no sensation at all due to dental work.

Hope this helps
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Mrs Anthony

Tue. 24 Apr.07,

[Start of:
'MRI of nerves in neck????'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

MRI of nerves in neck????
Can someone tell me if you can see nerves in your neck during an MRI of your neck and you don't have any contrast? I have an allergy to the contrast and someone told me that without the contrast they can't see certain things on the MRI scan without it. I am having nerve problems in my neck and I'm wondering if they will be able to see them? Thank you
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Mike Parks

Fri. 6 Apr.07,

[Start of:
'Need Help'
0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

Need Help
I had an MRI yesterday and I have alot of metal in my neck due to extensive surgery such as anterior fusion from c4 to c7. Yesterdays results indicate I have atrophy of the spinal cord from C4-5 to C7 with a thin cord and high signal compatible with myelomalacia. Herniation of C3-$ that compresses the spinal cord. Central protrusion of the C2-3 and C7-T1 discs. My question is. My neck burns as if on fire inside. Is this something that will go away? I have and do have severe pain 24/7 but I've never had this kind of pain. If possible please email me at if you know what's happening. Thank you for any help you may have and I wish everyone a lighter today, a brighter tomorrow and a future filled with joy and happiness.
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