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Rena Miller
Fri. 15 Aug.14, 07:16
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'door alarm/ MRI pauses if door opens' started by: 'Samuel Strode' on Thu. 7 Aug.14]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
door alarm/ MRI pauses if door opens |
MRIs are enclosed by a Faraday cage to shield the MRI scanner against incoming radio waves which would disturb the sent and received signals. The reception or transmission of radio waves is heavily attenuated or blocked by the cage, which is usually integrated in the walls of the scanning room. The closed RF door completes the cage preventing RFI/EMI leakage, absorbs also much of the acoustic noise and prevents unauthorized persons to enter the room. Usually, all or the unreconstructed part of information is lost if the scan is stopped by door opening. Some MRI systems allow to pause the scan (at the keyboard, not by door opening) and to continue scanning while not loosing data.
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Samuel Strode
Thu. 7 Aug.14, 22:17
[Start of: 'door alarm/ MRI pauses if door opens' 1 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
door alarm/ MRI pauses if door opens |
Hello all. I am a engineering student that is studying everything that I can. I came across something that said MRI's are enclosed in a room (duh) but when the scan is going the door is "armed" so if it is opened the scan pauses. Is this true for all MRI's? I work in a small imaging center and when I asked the tech there he gave me a funny look and said go back to work. Can you help? Can you tell me which MRI system that you are using and whether or not it when the door opens the scan will pause or stop. If the scan stops is the series lost? is everything? or can you pick up where you left off. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any other information about MRI's pausing during scans, stopping, saving image quality, and you are willing to share please feel free to share.
I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led, and bearding every authority which stood in their way.
Thomas Jefferson
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Rob Wilson
Sat. 24 May.14, 07:48
[Start of: 'new job in MRI' 0 Reply]

Jobs |
new job in MRI |
Hello, I have happily accepted a job working in MRI and CT having worked in just CT. I have a few months until I start and was wondering if anyone could recommend a few good books regarding basic physics and pulse sequences to get me started :) I will be working in a hospital with alot of cardiac work using seimans MRI scanners many thanks, Rob :)
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Mollie Eastman
Wed. 22 Jan.14, 03:49
[Start of: 'GE Platforms' 0 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
GE Platforms |
Does anyone know where I can find more information about the different types of GE MRI Platforms? I have experience with several different versions, and would like to know more about versions are out there. Or can someone explain to me how they are categorized? It seems everyone knows about the different types, but there is no where to learn about them
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dimitris priovolos
Sat. 21 Dec.13, 10:14
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'mr urography' started by: 'elena giovanelli' on Thu. 24 Oct.13]

Applications and Examinations |
mr urography |
I think it's better to plan both ureters, put the pack of slices exactly coronal on an axial abdomen slice including both kidneys, take care on a sagital slice to give an angle parallel to spine but including the bladder and the space behind it, use foldover direction (siemens) or Rfov 1 (GE), fov 400-450, sl thick 0.80-1mm, open the 3d slice pack as much as needed, use navigator-pace (siemens) or triggering (GE).
A preparation of diet is needed some times, additional sequences (haste, fiesta, vibe+iv or lava+iv contr) are necessary.
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