Mitchell Sapp
Sat. 5 Oct.13, 13:13
[Start of: 'ACR Compliance Question' 1 Reply]

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ACR Compliance Question |
In 2010, we submitted a knee for our MSK module in our ACR accreditation. Over the past three years, a few new radiologists have come on board, and the preferred knee protocol has changed. But we've continued using the sequences that were submitted to ACR in order to be compliant. At this point, we have three different sequences that NONE of our radiologists care about... and it's basically adding time to each procedure without being beneficial to the patient. But we HAVE to perform those scans.
We are currently getting re-accredited - but we are submitting a wrist this time for the MSK module. Once we get approved, can we drop the unnecessary sequences in the knee and be compliant since we will be using the submitted sequences in the wrist?
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