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Schwarz Arni
Sun. 18 Aug.13, 17:11
[Start of: 'Size of B1' 0 Reply]

Basics and Physics |
Size of B1 |
How many Tesla does B1 (the HF pulse) have more or less? What range is applicable? I cannot find information about that anywhere.
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lluis solsona
Wed. 24 Jul.13, 16:03
[Reply (3 of 5) to: 'Job Opportunities in Qatar' started by: 'Myla Taller' on Thu. 17 May.12]

Jobs |
Job Opportunities in Qatar |
I am an experienced MRI Tech on GE 1.5 & 3T hdxt in the areas of Body,MSK, MRAs,Breast,Neuro,Cardiac..... (more than 20 years)
seeking international opportunities.
I´m from Spain ( Barcelona).
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Isa Toni Toni
Wed. 24 Jul.13, 14:43
[Start of: 'why there is T2* but not T1*' 2 Replies]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
why there is T2* but not T1* |
often we heared about T2* but not much of T1*. i heard about T1* before correction in T1 mapping, but i guess that is different than T2 and T2* which have diffirent methods to acquire them. any comments on this is much appreciated
Isa Toni
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Barry Ng
Wed. 10 Jul.13, 17:10
[Start of: 'Titanium & MRI Safety' 2 Replies]

Safety |
Titanium & MRI Safety |
I am trying to understand why titanium is considered "MRI Safe".
I see three potential problems when considering the MRI safety of a material:
1 - If it is a ferromagnetic material extreme damaging forces will be applied to the material if exposed to a very strong magnetic field. Titanium is not a magnetic material so I do not see this as a problem.
2 - When a relatively large flat conductor (e.g. a titanium plate) is exposed to a changing magnetic field (Faraday's law) eddy currents will be created internally as the result of induced voltages. These eddy currents can be very high and cause resistive heating ("I squared R losses"). I would think these eddy currents would have the potential to cause extreme heating of the titanium. I know from experience this does occur with steel and titanium has a conductivity about the same as steel. Titanium is not magnetic as is steel but induced voltages due not require a ferromagnetic material (.e.g. copper as used in real world generators, etc.).
3 - Induced voltages are created across the length of a conductor as the result of the conductor being exposed to a changing magnetic field ("genrator effect" - Faraday's Law). Again this effect does not require a magnetic material. So why, at best, does this effect not have the potential to be uncomfortable or even very painful to the MRI patient being exposed to a huge changing magnetic field?
Invariably the response to why titanium is safe focuses on the fact that it is not magnetic. I get the deer in the headlight look when I ask about eddy current heating and induced voltages.
Please help me understand why unduced eddy current heating and induce voltages are not a concern.
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prabhjot kaur
Tue. 28 May.13, 07:34
[Start of: 'job related' 1 Reply]

Jobs |
job related |
Hello I am an experienced MR technologist (13 years +) with a premier Govt. of India Research Institute.
I want to shift to US with the job in MRI itself. I Please suggest how to go about it.........
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