mike lozito
Tue. 28 Dec.10, 16:10
[Reply (3 of 4) to: 'please help me for find user manual siemens avento' started by: 'reza beigi' on Tue. 6 Jul.10]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
please help me for find user manual siemens avento |
i agree, that you should try to contact siemens directly. if they cannot help you i have an extra copy that i might be able to sent you for a small fee. based on my experience,the manuals really are NOT much help as, performing the required actions needed to complete scans are not fully outlined in the manuals, that usally comes from applications training from the manufacturer. it sounds like you purchased a used system with no applications support. siemens systems are fantastic mri scanners. but you are going to need applications help. i can offer assistance in this area if you would like . i am a chief mri technologist here in ny, and have 23 years mri scanning experience.i have 5 years siemens avanto expertise, performing body, msk, neuro, angio and breast mri and biopsy experience. you can contact me at my email mcl1956m@aol.com
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