Mon. 24 May.10, 18:35
[Reply (13 of 26) to: 'MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia' started by: 'Mosta Mosta' on Tue. 3 Mar.09]

Jobs |
MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia |
14- years working experience in Liaquat National Hospital & Post graduate Medical Center Karachi, as a Sr. MRI Technologist/ Incharge of MRI Department/Asst.Manager Radiology.
I want to work as an Sr.MRI Technologist in an environment where I can apply my overall experience, and management skills.
Sound knowledge & valuable experience in MRI to perform routine & advance applications like MR Angiography, MR Urography, MRCP, MR Myelography, MR Cisternography, Dynamic MRA & highly sophisticated procedures like diffusion, dynamic perfusion, moving bed & peripheral MRA, Breast dynamic studies, Renal MRA, Carotid MRA, functional MRI of brain (Bold Imaging), MR spectroscopy, estimation of liver iron concentration by MRI, musculoskeletal MR imaging, pelvic and abdominal MRI, chest and abdominal MRA, Dynamic MRA for vertebral artery dissection etc...
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