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Bridget Galegher
Sun. 23 Aug.09, 19:51
[Reply (2 of 21) to: 'MRI registry equations' started by: 'Donna Nusser' on Tue. 18 Aug.09]

Basics and Physics |
MRI registry equations |
Take 1.006 - 1.000T or (1.0) this equals 0.006, or (6mT) then take 6 divided by 0.5 (which is your distance along the positive z-direction and this will give you the answer of 12. (Strength of the magnetic field divided ny the distance from the center of the magnet) My suggestion for you is get the new "MRI in Practice" not the green book but the new one with the multi-colors on the front of it (3rd edition) Explains everything and it is fun to read. I have to take mine too in September through ARRT. Just don't psyc yourself out.
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Emer Naughton
Fri. 7 Aug.09, 09:37
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Siemens TRIO sequences' started by: 'Al Berthiaume' on Tue. 13 Jan.09]

Protocols |
Siemens TRIO sequences |
Hi we have been using the standard siemens sequences for COW, and find them ok, as with the venogram sequences. What do you not like about the standard- theyre long, but 'id like to know why you don'tlike them, maybe we're missing somthing..
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Thami Mngoma
Fri. 7 Aug.09, 08:02
[Start of: 'MR submandibular sialogram' 1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations |
MR submandibular sialogram |
Do have a protocol for MR submandibular sialogram. I have used successfully an MRCP protocol with small FOV for the parotid gland . It does not seem to work in the submandibular gland. I use both GE and Siemens new 1.5T
Any tip please?
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Pete Frost
Sun. 26 Jul.09, 02:18
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'MRI Technologist advancement opportunities' started by: 'Gee Del' on Fri. 26 Jun.09]

Jobs |
MRI Technologist advancement opportunities |
The "two cents" you need are to be thankful for your MRI certification, without which you wouldn't even have had the opportunity to work as an MRI tech and clinical instructor. And knowing the economic situation you still have the leisure to think the "grass is greener on the other side"? Your post tells more about your self-defeating attitude rather than substantiating facts.
I have known several ARMRIT certified techs who got job interviews and even jobs at hospitals. How you present yourself in your cover letter and resume are a BIG factor. In certain states where most ARRT techs are cross-trained but not registry eligible in MRI, there is a serious shortage of even ARRT(MR) certified techs.
Just ask the ARRT techs out there if they're getting any better job opportunities these days, even in hospitals. Many hospitals still need dedicated MRI techs and may need to be updated about the ACR's acceptance of ARMRIT certification. So get out there, trust your education and certification, and educate employers that ARMRIT certification is ACR approved and meets Medicare certification requirements in an increasing number of states nationwide.
To update your skills as an MRI tech, visit the continuing ed links at The ARRT recommends similar resources for its certified MR techs.
Finally, if you're interested in a little math: If you were at your current job for at least 6 months, this would have paid off your tuition for the certification you achieved. Any job after that is to your profit for the rest of your life, and the knowledge you gained which you are using can never be taken away from you.
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Reader Mail
Sun. 28 Jun.09, 16:28
[Start of: 'ARMRIT exam' 2 Replies]

Jobs |
ARMRIT exam |
Can anyone who has taken the ARMRIT exam share their experience with me? I did very well in MRI school but for some reason I have taken the ARMRIT exam three times and cannot pass! I have been very close to passing but I am frusterated that I cannot pass it. I feel it is a very difficult exam. Also, the section I have the most trouble with is "Clinical Applications", which I am unclear as to if this section includes physics or not. Any input is much appreciated! Also, any study guide/book suggestions would be appreciated as well....I purchased the "Review Questions for MRI", which was helpful but someone had mentioned there may be a better book to help me study.........
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