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Kevin Patana

Sat. 15 Mar.08,

[Reply (5 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
ARMRIT is not misleading people. First and foremost,Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, states where i work near, accept ARMRIT technologists as does medicare for reimbursments. I have been a ARMRIT registered tech for 6 years and have been gainfully employed in the career field. I currently work at a hospital as the lead MRI technologist, training ARRT techs. what training does a RT recieve when they go through xray school?? a few days in the MRI suite watching MRI exams, period. How does that qualify or not qualify someone?? I also take offense to the statement that you have to be ARRT certified to give gadolinium, WRONG. Everyone at my faciility has to be approved by the Radiologist in charge. I work in both Michigan and Wisconsin as a MRI tech and have never had a problem with having to be ARRT certified.
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Reader Mail

Thu. 13 Mar.08,

[Reply (7 of 10) to:
'MRI Study Guide'
started by: 'Nicole DeMoss'
on Fri. 10 Mar.06]


MRI Study Guide
Ken Meacham can help you find a copy of the MRI Study Guide for Technologists Book. He can be contacted at or directly at
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diana navarro

Tue. 29 Jan.08,

[Start of:
'gre trauma ax'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

gre trauma ax
What is this? Son had mri of brain. No results yet. I have cd. One of the set of images title is GRE TRAUMA AX. I looked up gre and am assuming ax is axial but what about trauma. Any explanation is appreciated.
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Gretchen Scott

Wed. 23 Jan.08,

[Reply (3 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
Hi Gerald, the reason that it is hard to obtain a job as an MRI technologist is that many studies (such as tumor) as you know require the use of Gad. By not being ARRT, it is illegal to inject patients for that reason. Institutions know this and the liability is too great to have a non-certified person injecting contrast. I have been an RT ARRT for a few years now. The ARRT is not offering a pathway for non-RT's. I don't know where people get information. There is a list of schools that the ARRT support at for MRI training, and only by completing the approved institutions will you be able to sit for the boards. Although to go through the approved schools for the ARRT you have to be an RT first. I think that the ARMRIT is misleading people with their training and that is unfortunate. I wish you luck in your hunt for work. I would think about taking the RT school since you already have the training.
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miri leh

Wed. 9 Jan.08,

[Start of:
'scan question from a layperson'
2 Replies]

Applications and Examinations

scan question from a layperson
When positioned as in picture (neck bent halfway forward) in GE's Signa SP/i 0.5T, will the scan include a view of the cervical spine from the back?

Will the scan be able to fully view the vertebras (from the back of the vertebras) that are tilted due to the neck bending forward?

(why the back: positional scoliosis suspected. suspected cause: asymmetric work of the suboccipital muscles, due to severed muscle connection/s)

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