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Michael Semrau
Wed. 9 Jan.08, 09:07
[Reply (1 of 3) to: 'There was an error moving the uploaded file' started by: 'miri leh' on Tue. 8 Jan.08]

General |
There was an error moving the uploaded file |
Hello miri leh,
this should have worked!
Right now is in revision, and in addition will move over the course of the next 10 days to another host. This error will also be fixed in this time span!
But to solve this problem quick, please mail me your image as attachment to (see my mail in your inbox), write your question as forum thread without the image, I will then add it to your thread.
Sorry for this inconvenience!
Service & Support
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Kathy Dumont
Sun. 6 Jan.08, 20:31
[Reply (2 of 6) to: 'Protection against magnetic exposure' started by: 'Kathy Dumont' on Sat. 5 Jan.08]

Safety |
Protection against magnetic exposure |
Thank you very much Reader, for you answer very quickly! Sorry, I didn’t express myself very well. No, I don’t want to know about the “Gauss lines” (it’s how we say in France).
In the site of the World Health Organization, they talk about “The International EMF Project”.
I’m searching for informations about the effets of the magnetic fields on the human health. And the laws, if they exist in USA?
In France, there are no limits or laws which say the limits (time limits, job in high fields…) when you work at mri.
We just tell the pregnant not to go in the mri room. That’s all. I think you’re getting ahead France in this domain. For me, mri technology is like radiology’s first times, when Marie Curie discovered that tumor increased while X Ray exposure increased. You know?
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Reader Mail
Wed. 12 Dec.07, 18:38
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'claustrophobia and mri' started by: 'edy lev' on Fri. 21 Sep.07]

Patient Care and Comfort |
claustrophobia and mri |
Hi Edy,
the scanned body part has to be in the center of the machine. Usually, you can enter the machine with the feet first. Your head is very probably outside or at the edge of the opening, depending of the part of your leg, the size of the scanner and your size.
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soontorn siriserussa
Sun. 2 Dec.07, 22:59
[Start of: 'double ir physic' 1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
double ir physic |
I want to know about physic of double IR
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Gerald Del Castillo
Fri. 30 Nov.07, 05:33
[Start of: 'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP' 16 Replies]

Organisations |
ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP |
I'm a current MRI Technologist for an outpatient facility. I am licensed by ARMRIT, licensed by the state of NY. I was wondering if anybody out there can give me some information regarding a pathway or bridge program for current MR technologist, non-ARRT license, able to sit down for the ARRT test. I have been searching for schools, especially online, that has courses, which allows non-ARRT MR techs, to sit for the ARRT exam. It has been a challenge looking for jobs since I'm not an ARRT, but I'm keeping my hopes up.
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