peter hobden
Wed. 14 Feb.07, 15:35
[Reply (1 of 3) to: 'Geometric distortion' started by: 'ergun ahunbay' on Tue. 2 Jan.07]

Artifacts |
Geometric distortion |
Dear Listers,
I have some questions about the image distortions in MRI:
1) Are the magnetic field inhomogeneities the only cause of image distortions? Does RF-inhomogeneities cause distortions or just signal inaccuracies?
There are other factors that can affect the /amount/ of distortion. Run an EPI sequence and change the bandwidth and see the image change shape.
There are other causes of image distortion which are not necessarily directly related to field homogeneity.
It is a complicated question you are asking here!
2) Is it accurate to say that a spiral sequence would not have distortion due to magnetic field inhomogeneity(, but it would have blurring). Would there be image geometric distortions with a spiral imaging?
I guess you are talking about spiral filling of k-space?? The sampling time reduction will help to reduce distortion to some extent.
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