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Dan McGuan
Thu. 6 Oct.05, 20:35
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Machine Opening artifact' started by: 'Neil Brice' on Tue. 28 Sep.04]

Artifacts |
Machine Opening artifact |
I think you're talking about the edges of the shimmed volume of the magnet, or the coil.
Magnets are shimmed to a specific volume in the field (every model magnet is different). When you attempt to scan an object that reaches the edge of this volume you will see distortion from imaging the unshimmed area of the magnet.
Also shimming large objects that exceed the range of the receiver portion of the coil will cause distortions.
Hopefully this answers your question?
Good Luck,
Dan McGuan
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Dan McGuan
Thu. 6 Oct.05, 20:30
[Reply (1 of 3) to: 'MR jobs' started by: 'rajani subramanian' on Thu. 30 Jun.05]

Jobs |
MR jobs |
If you have appropriate electronics training and experience it is relatively easy to get a job "servicing" MRI. R&D and other jobs are a little more difficult, but all manufacturers are looking for trainees in both their service and developement departments.
Start at the major OEM's websites (GE, Philips, Siemens, Hitachi, Toshiba etc.) and view their "career opportunities." I'm sure you'll find something.
Third party companies are also looking for trainees. Do a search on Google or Yahoo for "MRI Service" and you'll find many sites with job openings.
Good Luck,
Dan McGuan
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Dan McGuan
Thu. 6 Oct.05, 20:24
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'mri room specs' started by: 'thomas sagun' on Thu. 18 Aug.05]

Site Planning and Specifications |
mri room specs |
Regarding room specs, if you are buying new equipment the manufacturer will provide all of this to you at no additional charge.
If you are considering preowned systems it is a little more difficult. You would need to find a company that specializes in the particular type of open system that you are considering. A word of caution would be that most people will tell you that they know the systems inside and out. Be careful and check the credentials of the service provider and ensure that they do in fact know the system you are considering. Also it is always a good idea to talk with some of their clients to get feedback on work that the company has performed.
If you are considering a Hitachi Open MRI, my company can help you out. We are in fact experts on these systems. If you want to talk about your project visit our website at and use our contact page to reach us.
Good Luck,
Dan McGuan
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vic chung
Wed. 14 Sep.05, 18:35
[Start of: 'DTI FA-value' 1 Reply]

Basics and Physics |
DTI FA-value |
It's my pleasure to see everybody here.
and I have a question,that is what formula we utililze to calculate the FA-value in DTI?
I will very appreciate with your help.
Best Regards
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Donna Ponticello
Sat. 13 Aug.05, 16:29
[Start of: 'Protection Against Noise' 4 Replies]

Patient Care and Comfort |
Protection Against Noise |
In the future, we will scan also newborn children at our 3T machine. I see a problem in the loudness of the MRI system because I know that babies are more sensitive to noise. Adults get earplugs and headphones and there is no problem. The headphones will not fit and I am worried about the noise pollution. Has anybody a good idea?
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