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Emil Cohen

Sat. 19 Mar.05,

[Reply (3 of 4) to:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
started by: 'bob mitchell'
on Sun. 5 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
The above statements are correct, also remember that the portal vein is brightest in the first pass of contrast through it so having a short sequence for the arterial phase <20 seconds and going straight into the portal phase is important(ie one inspiration/expiration only between repeating the sequence). The portal vein will become brightest within 30 seconds of the artery.
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Brad Johnson

Wed. 26 Jan.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'3T Pulsoxymeter'
started by: 'Lynn Dunkan'
on Wed. 3 Nov.04]


3T Pulsoxymeter
Hi Lynn,
we use the pulse oximeter Nonin 8600 for our 1.5 T scanner as well as for the 3T system. I'm not sure whether it is tested for 3 T. At the 3 T system, we run the cable through filter boxes in the shielded scanner room, so there is no safety problem and we do not have artifacts.
It works well also for children.
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Tomas Randell

Thu. 16 Dec.04,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
started by: 'bob mitchell'
on Sun. 5 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
Like lily lily we use a muliphase MRA with 3 phases (artery, portal vein and late phase).
We use an amount of 30 ml Gadolinium with an injection rate of 5 ml/sec. With this high flow rate, you get a more concentrated bolus and therefore a higher contrast for the second phase. We use CENTRA k-space acquisition and reduce the scan time with SENSE (a parallel imaging technique like ASSET ), this will help for a better timing.
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lily lily

Wed. 8 Dec.04,

[Reply (1 of 4) to:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
started by: 'bob mitchell'
on Sun. 5 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
Dear bob mitchell:
The injction rate and amount of C.M. of liver MRA on our experience, that are the same yours. And that can got the very will artery phase around 15sec(using smart prep. to track or fluoro-trigger to mointor and catch the C.M. arrival time ) after injection C.M. Another item about the portal vein you can settle multi-phase on option menu. After artery phase then take rest to breath and BH again(about 3-5sec) then do the second phase(portal vein phase).
you can try the way.
ps: you can try to performance it combinate ASSET, it will reduction the scan time and improve the tempory resoultion.
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Neil Brice

Tue. 28 Sep.04,

[Start of:
'Machine Opening artifact'
1 Reply]


Machine Opening artifact
Does anyone know anything about the artifact created by the opening of the MR. I know it is do to bending in the magnetic feild, but is there any solutions, like a simple image transform? Or is there a specific name for this problem that I could research more?
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