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MRI Forum
'Echo Train Length'
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Steve Chaloner

Thu. 3 Nov.11,

[Start of:
'GE FRFSE echo train length'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

GE FRFSE echo train length
I've been told that when using FRFSE the ETL should be an odd number. Is this true and if so why? Thanks.
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David Brooks

Tue. 22 Dec.09,

[Start of:
'Scan equation I don't get, HELP'
2 Replies]

Basics and Physics

Scan equation I don't get, HELP
Here's the question:
The approximate scan time of a rapid spin echo sequence with a TR of 3500ms, a TE of 90ms, a 256x256 matrix, 1 exicitation, a 220mm FOV and an echo train length of 5 is______ minutes.

Formal they give is 3500msx1x256/5=?
b. 8
c. 11
d. 15

I get 179200. What am I missing in my studies and the math?
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Scott Lytle

Thu. 4 Jan.07,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'ETL for a STIR'
started by: 'Shaun Schofield'
on Thu. 30 Mar.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

ETL for a STIR
It depends.

When Centric echo allocation is used you have higher SNR, a low TE, but more image blurring. Very similar to a PD. I prefer an echo train of less than 8 in this case.

When Sequential echo allocation is used you have lower SNR, a higher TE (I prefer less than a TE of 60), but significantly less image blurring. Very similar to a T2 or FLAIR. In this case your echo train length is governed by your TE and image blurring is not usually an issue. Depending on how short of an inter-echo time you can use, and by keeping an eye on the TE, the echo train can be as high as you want.

Hope this helps.
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