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reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
Glenn wathern

Wed. 9 Oct.13,

[Reply (8 of 10) to:
'ARMRIT in California?'
started by: 'James Benitez'
on Wed. 4 Jan.12]


ARMRIT in California?
If one looks into the two, ARRT and ARMRIT, one will find ARRT approved schools are generally associated with four year colleges and ARMRIT schools are generally associated vocational medical colleges. As for the ability to cross train or get both certifications that is really not a reality. I talked to a person at ARRT and was told in order to become certified by them a MRI tec must have attended an ARRT approved school. Twenty years of MRI experience wouldn't get you in the door, her words. And like wise ARMRIT certification is earned from attending an ARMRIT approved school. For those who can not find a job, I would be curious as to how far they were willing to go to find work. I would also question his or her employability. Some people want to be singers, some want to be actors. If one doesn't posses the characteristics an employer is looking for then he or she will not get hired. Those being the communication, and interpersonal skills needed to fit in to the work place. Posting pictures in yellow and black face and using derogatory terms to describe organizations doesn't bode well for ones character. I have found the starting pay is about the same. Possessing a four year degree seems to be the only way to get the supervisor and head of department jobs, which do pay more obviously. Obtaining a degree on line or by attending a school while working can fix the problem of apparent income disparity. There are jobs out there if a person is willing to relocate and for his or her chosen profession. Jobs are not always going to be available where you are planted. Be willing to move for a job and look at the experience as an adventure and a new chapter in your life.
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Mitchell Sapp

Sat. 5 Oct.13,

[Start of:
'ACR Compliance Question'
1 Reply]

Reimbursements and Costs

ACR Compliance Question
In 2010, we submitted a knee for our MSK module in our ACR accreditation. Over the past three years, a few new radiologists have come on board, and the preferred knee protocol has changed. But we've continued using the sequences that were submitted to ACR in order to be compliant. At this point, we have three different sequences that NONE of our radiologists care about... and it's basically adding time to each procedure without being beneficial to the patient. But we HAVE to perform those scans.

We are currently getting re-accredited - but we are submitting a wrist this time for the MSK module. Once we get approved, can we drop the unnecessary sequences in the knee and be compliant since we will be using the submitted sequences in the wrist?

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Reader Mail

Fri. 26 Jul.13,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'STIR and l-spine'
started by: 'shruti soni'
on Wed. 27 Feb.13]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

STIR and l-spine
I know from working on various coils and testing the images will vary with synthetic (phantoms) vs actual patient. Main item in coil repair is it scans correct w/a human. And if when you test the coil per Philips given guidelines and set parameters for testing SNR, etc. the coil may be just fine. 2nd the synthetic phantom your using is not compatible with that coil or in the system - found this out with 1.5T phantoms don't work on 0.2T coils.
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Kimberly Wilridge

Fri. 26 Jul.13,

[Start of:
'GE Signa - 17,18,19 Phantoms Found looking for 1'
1 Reply]


GE Signa - 17,18,19 Phantoms Found looking for 1
Getting this message on specific coils (CTL) 17,18,19 phantoms found looking for 1. Message never seen before and not sure if coils issue
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Isa Toni Toni

Wed. 24 Jul.13,

[Start of:
'why there is T2* but not T1*'
2 Replies]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

why there is T2* but not T1*
often we heared about T2* but not much of T1*. i heard about T1* before correction in T1 mapping, but i guess that is different than T2 and T2* which have diffirent methods to acquire them. any comments on this is much appreciated

Isa Toni
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