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Forum Overview
Michael Veesart

Tue. 23 Jan.07,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'visualizing corticospinal tracts'
started by: 'marleen michels'
on Wed. 22 Nov.06]

Applications and Examinations

visualizing corticospinal tracts
I just recently found this web site otherwise I would have responded sooner. My suggestion is another web sight. It is loaded with information.
Try and type in whatever your seaching for. Hope this helps
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Scott Lytle

Thu. 4 Jan.07,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'ETL for a STIR'
started by: 'Shaun Schofield'
on Thu. 30 Mar.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

ETL for a STIR
It depends.

When Centric echo allocation is used you have higher SNR, a low TE, but more image blurring. Very similar to a PD. I prefer an echo train of less than 8 in this case.

When Sequential echo allocation is used you have lower SNR, a higher TE (I prefer less than a TE of 60), but significantly less image blurring. Very similar to a T2 or FLAIR. In this case your echo train length is governed by your TE and image blurring is not usually an issue. Depending on how short of an inter-echo time you can use, and by keeping an eye on the TE, the echo train can be as high as you want.

Hope this helps.
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Matt B.

Wed. 3 Jan.07,

[Start of:
'ARMRIT Parenteral Procedures'
2 Replies]


ARMRIT Parenteral Procedures
Hi Folks,

As an ARMRIT technologist; the small clinic I work for is concerned about allowing me to contrast patients as a non-ARRT person. In Washington State, it is my understanding that RT's are legally allowed to push contrast and is common practice.

I read that ARRT now accepts MR as a primary pathway to registration, but I am concerned if I am eligible. Any advice there on the side?

It dawned on me that this may be a problem other ARMRIT's. Any tips?

Thanks a bunch!
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Steven Smith

Thu. 21 Dec.06,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'scan matrices and steps'
started by: 'Steven Smith'
on Wed. 20 Dec.06]


scan matrices and steps
Ah, just to answer my own question, I'm guessing this means the scan resolution goes up in increments of 4.
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Steven Smith

Wed. 20 Dec.06,

[Start of:
'scan matrices and steps'
2 Replies]


scan matrices and steps
I've just joined this forum because I'm a Japanese-English translator and often translate MRI related material, but my knowledge is a bit patchy. I have a rather basic question. Part of a product specification goes (translated):
Scan Matrix: 64 – 1024 x 64 – 1024; 4 steps per

I assume this is 4 steps per scan, but wanted to check just in case. Also could anyone explain what is meant by steps in this context?

Thanks very much

Steven Smith
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