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MRI Forum
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Daria Panek

Mon. 4 Mar.13,

[Start of:
'fMRI of Pituitary'
0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

fMRI of Pituitary

I have started project with examination of various structures in the brain on the data from fMRI. I wanted to check the behaviour of Pituitary on my data coming from fMRI. Have anyone heard of any other similar examination of Pituitary on images coming from fMRI? I could not find any paper about it.
If you can help me, I will be extremly grateful.

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Eric Gonzalez

Thu. 11 Oct.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'what do we see in this image'
started by: 'yevgeniy zh'
on Wed. 15 Jul.09]

Applications and Examinations

what do we see in this image
without having a T1 image to compare, it would be harder to be for sure...

But since it looks like the outter skin on the head, my guess would be a mole? (also could be small cystic lesion or fat in nature, but again hard to say without more images)
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Jeff Clough

Fri. 28 Sep.12,


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