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reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
William Flemming

Tue. 29 Mar.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'MR image of an eye'
started by: 'Reader Mail '
on Tue. 14 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

MR image of an eye
Depending on the sequence and the field strength there can be artifacts that look like eye movement and are difficult to separate. To avoid eye movement should the patient not only close the eyes or fix a point, but also with closed eyes think about not to move the eyes.
Other artifacts (e.g. ghosting) can be reduced with fat suppression, reduction of the water fat shift, T1 with a long TE (to reduce the brightness of fat), and/or a higher matrix.
Also the perfect positioning of the coil and a homogeneity correction will improve the image quality. I do not know a post processing program that removes those artifacts.
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Neil Brice

Tue. 28 Sep.04,

[Start of:
'Machine Opening artifact'
1 Reply]


Machine Opening artifact
Does anyone know anything about the artifact created by the opening of the MR. I know it is do to bending in the magnetic feild, but is there any solutions, like a simple image transform? Or is there a specific name for this problem that I could research more?
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Dirk Noel

Thu. 17 Jun.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'dynamic stabilization'
started by: 'ranran wu'
on Sun. 6 Jun.04]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

dynamic stabilization
HI Ranran,

Dynamic Stabllization should be used for DTI imgaing. Especially if you are using a high number directions. The reason is that overtime you may get a F0 drift. Using DTI and DS helps for image consistency across all directions.
Hope this helps

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John Doe

Thu. 27 Nov.03,

[Reply (3 of 5) to:
started by: 'Renate'
on Thu. 27 Nov.03]

Patient Care and Comfort

This can be solved by negative oral contrast
agents; some juices have also the effect to darken the stomach and bowel and can also be used as a contrast medium.
This prevents that liquid disturbs the image in the stomach and intestine field.
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