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MRI Forum
Result: Searchterm 'Susceptibility' found in 5 messages
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Jon Selby

Tue. 26 Apr.16,

[Start of:
'Susceptibility artifact query'
0 Reply]


Susceptibility artifact query
As an MRI 'newbie' would someone be willing to help me with a question on magnetic susceptibility. If you have two metal implants of the same external geometrical form but one of these is hollow, would you you get the same size artifact? I'm basically wondering whether a metallic implant has a finite sphere of influence or whether it is compounded by the volume of material. Much appreciated, Jon
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Karsten Miesel

Tue. 17 Aug.04,

[Start of:
'material with 'zero' magnetic susceptibility'
2 Replies]

Basics and Physics

material with 'zero' magnetic susceptibility
Does anybody know some material, that is still easy to machine, better non-conductive and - most important - has a susceptibility close to zero. Is there composite materials that are especially made for such purposes?
I know that coils for NMR are usually made like this, but I'm looking for some material that I could make a whole NMR probe out of. It should be non-conductive, because I don't want eddy currents.

thanks in advance, Karsten
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Adana Osco Barras

Tue. 3 Jan.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Hyperintense blood vessels in SE'
started by: 'Peruvumba Jayakumar'
on Thu. 29 Dec.11]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Hyperintense blood vessels in SE
Prolonged T1 relaxation times, decreased T1 tissue contrast, and increased susceptibility rnare typical effects at high field MRI.rnDue to the longer T1 times at 3T, the signal rnintensity inside the vessels is preserved even in smaller vessels. Try TR 700, TE 10.rnInversion recovery sequences are very well suited for optimal gray to white matter contrast, but enhancement after administration of gadolinium may not be visible.
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Jacob Newton

Thu. 7 Oct.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'How does TE affect DWI acquisition?'
started by: 'danilo Scelfo'
on Wed. 29 Sep.10]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

How does TE affect DWI acquisition?
I never tried to shorten only the echo time while keeping all other parameters the same, but I would expect a change in SNR and artifact appearance. I would use parallel imaging methods to get a shortest possible echo time. Parallel imaging provides DWI with shorter echo trains associated with further reduction of the echo and repetition times, which reduces susceptibility effects and also image blurring. Additionally, the shorter echo time may lead to changes in ADC measurement.
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Matthijs Lipperts

Wed. 7 Jan.09,

[Start of:
'SPAIR movement artefact'
0 Reply]


SPAIR movement artefact
Dear all,
When scanning wrists in our Avanto MR always the penultimate slice in the transversal series shows a movement artefact. This happens with all patients and always the penultimate slice. We found out that using regular fat saturation this does not occur, with SPAIR (which is preferable because of the frequent susceptibility artefacts in arms/wrists) however it happens all the time. The simple solution for our radiology staff is to use normal fat saturation instead of SPAIR, however we are intriged by this problem and were hoping that anyone also experienced this problem and maybe found an explanation.
Because it happens in only 1 slice we are suspecting some kind of interference of the slice selection pulse with the SPAIR pre-pulses.
Any input is appreciated,
thanks in advance, Matthijs
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