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Rudolfo Marques
Fri. 19 Aug.11, 12:03
[Start of: 'fmri, block design: length of "On" and "Off" periodes ?' 0 Reply]

Funktional MRI |
fmri, block design: length of "On" and "Off" periodes ? |
I'm planning some fmri research and I wonder why often the blocks of stimulation and nothing (or called base level or resting state) have the same length
If I let -maybe- a flickering checkerboard about 16 seconds on, as my "ON" period... then I should not need further 16 seconds resting state? DO I?
The BOLD-related effects should be away after about 2 seconds?
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Lirong TAN
Thu. 23 Jun.11, 02:44
[Start of: 'fMRI frequency range' 0 Reply]

Funktional MRI |
fMRI frequency range |
I am trying to decompose the original fMRI time series into several components with different frequency ranges. I use the MODWT wavelet analysis. To obtain the components' frequencies, I need to know the frequency range of the original fMRI signal. Is it 0-1/TR?
Thanks a lot.
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Steven Ford
Tue. 7 Jun.11, 18:03
[Reply (2 of 3) to: 'LCD Display Monitors' started by: 'robert popilock' on Mon. 23 May.11]

Safety |
LCD Display Monitors |
I think that the question is, can you use a display near the magnet, inside the RF shielded room?
The short answer is, No, unless it's specifically marked MR-safe and/or included in equipment that's specificaly designed to be near the magnet, such as an injector.
The problem with using, for example, a monitor from Best Buy is that it will probably emit RF energy that will corrupt the very weak MRI signal recieved from the patient's body. Of course, there is also the question of anchoring the monitor to prevent it from being attracted into the magnet.
In general, an off the shelf monitor will not be affected by the magnet.
You can buy special RF shielded monitors, or enclosures.
If you were thinking about adding a patient DVD viewing capability, there are several other concerns to keep in mind. The signal feeding the monitor must be filtered where it enters the RF shield.
Steven Ford
Professional Imaging Services, Inc.
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Katelin Lyons
Fri. 27 May.11, 09:51
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Career as a Physician' started by: 'Aaliah Thomas' on Fri. 27 May.11]

General |
Career as a Physician |
Yes its true a physician's career is on high demand. With the growth in population and growth in medical sectors job opportunities are rising.To be a successful physician one should keep the following things in mind:
*Doctors must have a very strong grasp of math and science, chemistry and biology, and be able to analyze information and solve problems.
*Should exhibit excellent interpersonal skills in order to communicate effectively with patients and their families.
*Must be able to think quickly on their feet, and make critical decisions accurately and efficiently.
*If he aims to go into private practice and own a health care business, it would be helpful to have a basic understanding of business and accounting principles as well.
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Aaliah Thomas
Fri. 27 May.11, 06:49
[Start of: 'Career as a Physician' 1 Reply]

General |
Career as a Physician |
Physicians diagnose illnesses and prescribe and administer treatment for people suffering from injury or disease. They examine patients and interpret diagnostic tests. They counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare also. It takes typically 7-8 years to complete, combining undergraduate school, medical school and internship and residency. Job opportunities are expected to be very good, particularly in rural and low-income areas. Growth in this field will occur because of continued expansion of healthcare-related industries.
Winners never quit and quitters never win -Anon.
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