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Philip Lledo
Thu. 22 Oct.09, 08:15
[Start of: 'MRI Techologist' 0 Reply]

Jobs |
MRI Techologist |
Sir, Presently me working is Saudi Arabia under the Sponsor Ministry of Heath. I have 7 years experiece in the field of my expertise. I handled different types of machine, such as: Siemens Vision 1.5 Tesla Close MRI, Siemens Corcerto 0.2 Tesla Open MRI, Hitachi Aperto 0.4 Tesla Open MRI and Philips Achieva 1.5 Tesla Close MRI. Im holding a two license one from the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission and the other is from Saudi Council for Health Specialties. At the same time,i have been processing my registration for Heath professional Council (HPC)to be credited in the United Kingdom, London.
Many Thanks,
Philip C. Lledo
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Lyle Downing
Sat. 26 Sep.09, 20:27
[Reply (4 of 12) to: '90 excitation pulse vs 180 inversion pulse' started by: 'Bjorn Redfors' on Sat. 27 Jun.09]

Basics and Physics |
90 excitation pulse vs 180 inversion pulse |
Perhaps this will help shed some light on this.
Keep in mind that before the initial 90 pulse all protons contributing to the MR signal are in a relaxed state completely in alignment with the static magnetic field. Flipping them 90 degrees into the transverse plane does align them up initially and yes they do relax at different rates as they give up their energy. The 180 pulse takes whatever state they are in at the time and flips them in order to not make them all 180, but to quickly get a cleaner non contaminated representation of the tissues in question. So for example after the initial 90 and after letting the protons relax for a bit you might see water at say 50 degrees and fat at say 70 degrees flipping them 180 keeps whatever energy state they are in the time.
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Naeem Yazdani
Thu. 25 Jun.09, 08:47
[Start of: 'Technical Specifications' 0 Reply]

Site Planning and Specifications |
Technical Specifications |
I'm kind of new to MRI technology and am doing a comparison of various MRI equipment. Could somebody give me a brief summary of the technical specifications I should pay special attention to?
E.g. High slew rate is preferable
High transmit power (at least 15kW)
High gradient field strength
Helium usage (in terms of maintenance costs)
What other factors play a huge role in differing price?
Thanks in advance
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Indiancareerclub Clubindia
Mon. 25 May.09, 05:51
[Start of: 'What is the career growth in MRI technology?' 1 Reply]

Jobs |
What is the career growth in MRI technology? |
I am a computer science graduate, i would like to learn MRI technology, just tell where the courses are offered and duration for learning MRI technology. Also advice me whether i could take the course and how will be the career growth in learning this technology in abroad and India.
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Elena Brown
Fri. 22 May.09, 20:48
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Feridex/endorem and bone MRI' started by: 'marta lola' on Wed. 15 Apr.09]

Contrast Agents |
Feridex/endorem and bone MRI |
Some experiments with superparamagnetic contrast agents such as Feridex/Endorem with labeled cells showed a black appearance on T2 weighted sequences, which was easy to see. The less dominant T1 effect, bright on T1 weighted images was more subtle. (I found this also interesting and the article 'MR and iron magnetic nanoparticles. Imaging opportunities in preclinical and translational research' on )
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