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Renate Bloemer
Mon. 13 Nov.06, 19:29
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'T1 FAT SAT PRE AND POS GADO' started by: 'CLAUDIO RIBERTI' on Tue. 24 Oct.06]

Contrast Agents |
The contrast agent causes this difference. Contrast agents reduce the T1 time in tissues where they have accumulated depending on blood flow and vascular permeability. Caused by this, tissues after an application of contrast agents will differ in shortening of the T1 time, and the same imaging parameters result in other image appearance.
Some helpful links for musculoskeletal imaging and Fat Sat:
Hope this helps
Renate Bloemer
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Reader Mail
Mon. 30 Oct.06, 16:25
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'interleaved slices and mean intensity difference in adjacent slices' started by: 'Reader Mail' on Wed. 4 Oct.06]

General |
interleaved slices and mean intensity difference in adjacent slices |
With interleaved slice acquisition for example in each TR first the odd slices, and then the even slices are acquired. Differences in signal intensity may occur by changes between these acquisitions (like movement), especially with a long TR. In particular, for fMRI sequences with interleaved slice acquisition a slice time correction is recommended to get accurate measurements.
However, I think "large" signal intensity differences with interleaved slices (except fMRI) are rarely seen with usual sequences and sufficient processing (interpolation) algorithms.
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Jennifer Jackson
Fri. 21 Jul.06, 04:44
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Phase encoding' started by: 'guillaume bierry' on Fri. 7 Jul.06]

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Phase encoding |
Wow this is a long subject, First you have to under stand how the 3 main gradients are used. (slice select, Freq, then phase)
So you are use 1 of the gradients for your phase encoding. You need to fill the k-space which depends on you matrix. Lets assume you are using 256 (phase). In order to fill K-space you have to have 256 aquistions of the signal. Meaning for each picture (or slice) the signal must be acquire(sampled) 256 times each at a differnt amplitude to put it in a different Line of k-space.
Example- If you are performing a SE(spin echo) you have 1 TR period and 1 TE period (TE=is when the signal is sampled) so you will have to do the TR period 256 times to fill K-space with diffent amplitudes.
There is alot more that I left out. If this did not answer your question let me know
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Donna Ponticello
Sun. 21 May.06, 13:49
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Omniscan Distribution Rate' started by: 'John Dowling' on Tue. 9 May.06]

Contrast Agents |
Omniscan Distribution Rate |
I do not doubt that there are small and may be in special cases (perfusion, MRA, etc.) useful differences.
However, I have a lot of practice in MRI and in my opinion, you are right, the differences are small and you can run every type of MRI scans with all conventional Gadolinium containing contrast agents.
D. P.
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Reader Mail
Fri. 12 May.06, 00:28
[Start of: 'T1/T2 relaxation time charts' 1 Reply]

General |
T1/T2 relaxation time charts |
Does anyone have a reliable T1/T2 relaxation chart for the different tissue types? Or could you point me in the direction of a website that has them listed? I haven't been able to find a formula. Thank you.
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