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Susan Angelico
Thu. 15 Sep.05, 20:07
[Reply (1 of 3) to: '3T imaging parameters' started by: 'Nancy Dudek' on Fri. 26 Aug.05]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
3T imaging parameters |
At 3T the T1 time is longer (so the TR should also be longer) and the T2 time is shorter (TE can be shorter). However, when we got a 3T machine we tested different TR and TE's and found out that in practice the useful range don't has a big difference from that of a 1.5T MR system.
The contrast looks a bit different - that's normal.
In addition, ask the manufacturer.
There are a lot of other parameters that affect the contrast in 3T.
Hope this will help
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Jorge Cazal
Mon. 13 Jun.05, 17:06
[Start of: 'Metalic particles into the cornea' 2 Replies]

Safety |
Metalic particles into the cornea |
Dear Friends:
We are working in a Ophthalmology Department at Institut Universitari Dexeus-USP in Barcelona.
We received a patient who was treated for myopia some time ago using a LASIK technique ( Laser In situ Keratomileusis) as you probably know, cornea was sliced and lasered using a microkeratome however blade oscilation in the past eventually spread into the interface particles comming from steel inox blade´s.
Could this affect an MRI of Head, is this a contraindications, ( particles are microscopic/multiple and are interlamellar into cornea )
Thank you for your input
Kind Regards
Jorge Cazal;MD
Cornea & Refractive Surgery Unit
Institut Universitari Dexeus-Barcelona
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tina muthana
Thu. 14 Apr.05, 22:44
[Start of: 'diffusion MRi' 1 Reply]

Basics and Physics |
diffusion MRi |
My name is Tina and I am currently studying Diffusion weighted MRI. I was wondering if anyone could elaborate on the effect of introducing a slice selection gradient along with the diffusion gradient on the signal attenuation. Also if there are any sites that could explain it, I would appreciate the information.
Thank you.
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Susan Angelico
Tue. 26 Oct.04, 00:24
[Reply (1 of 6) to: 'Brain Protocol' started by: 'Oscar Cidri' on Tue. 7 Sep.04]

Protocols |
Brain Protocol |
Hi Oscar,
depending of the indication (tumor, stroke, haemorrhage, epilepsy, inflammation, malformation....) different sequences are useful for brain MRI.
A protocol for a wide range of indications: sagittal T2, coronal Flair, transversal DWI and transversal T1 without and with contrast medium. In case of a result a second plane of a T1 sequence after contrast e.g. coronal is recommended.
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babis bougias
Wed. 11 Aug.04, 21:56
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Endorem Resovist' started by: 'john devonport' on Wed. 14 Jul.04]

Contrast Agents |
Endorem Resovist |
you can use T2*FFE before and after resovist.for other details you can send me Email.
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