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MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
Hugo Robalo

Thu. 3 Apr.08,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'MRI Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?'
started by: 'young bong we'
on Thu. 20 Mar.08]

Basics and Physics

MRI Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?
A higher BW will increase the noise, minimum FoV, slices per TR and will decrease the minimum TE, SNR and echo spacing.
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Shelly Martinez

Thu. 3 Apr.08,

[Start of:
'STIR sequences'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

STIR sequences
I am a little confused on STIR techniques.... I was always taught that you keep your TR down on STIR sequences around 2200 or so, Is this true?
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Neeta Vyas

Wed. 2 Apr.08,

[Start of:
'Job Opportunities'
1 Reply]


Job Opportunities

Currently I am working as on-call MRI Technologist in southern California. My work experience consists of around one year working on Hitachi AIRIS II, Hitachi AIRIS Elite and Siemens MAGNETOM Concerto.Also I am ARMRIT certified and have valid CPR and IV injection certificate.

I need to relocate to Michigan (Troy area) or Chicago (Aurora area). These days I am applying on-line, If somebody knows any opportunity available in these areas, please let me know. This will expedite my relocation.

Thank You.
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Chrystal Gary

Mon. 31 Mar.08,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'MRI study guide for a physics dummy'
started by: 'Chantel Keed'
on Fri. 26 Oct.07]

Basics and Physics

MRI study guide for a physics dummy
mri in practice is a great book. also for registry study purposes lippincotts mri review and the mri study guide by meachum is good.
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Kevin Patana

Sat. 15 Mar.08,

[Reply (5 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
ARMRIT is not misleading people. First and foremost,Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, states where i work near, accept ARMRIT technologists as does medicare for reimbursments. I have been a ARMRIT registered tech for 6 years and have been gainfully employed in the career field. I currently work at a hospital as the lead MRI technologist, training ARRT techs. what training does a RT recieve when they go through xray school?? a few days in the MRI suite watching MRI exams, period. How does that qualify or not qualify someone?? I also take offense to the statement that you have to be ARRT certified to give gadolinium, WRONG. Everyone at my faciility has to be approved by the Radiologist in charge. I work in both Michigan and Wisconsin as a MRI tech and have never had a problem with having to be ARRT certified.
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