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Ilene Williams

Tue. 14 Aug.07,

[Reply (6 of 10) to:
'MRI Study Guide'
started by: 'Nicole DeMoss'
on Fri. 10 Mar.06]


MRI Study Guide
One of your members recommended I ordered a CD from them for $70 and it has nothing on it. I've tried to contact them but have gotten no response. Any suggestions or help on this matter?
Ilene Williams
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Oleg Borodin

Thu. 9 Aug.07,

[Start of:
'T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner'
0 Reply]

Basics and Physics

T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner
Dier colleges

I have same trouble with counting T1 of the gadolinium solution.

There are six fantom with gadolinium solution in 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mmol/l. Fantoms scanned with pulse sequences SE with TR equal 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 ... 4000 ms. For each fantom calculated T1 by iteractive minimizing technique the equation: S(TR)=M0*(1-exp(-TR/T1))

At the result, I have six T1: 72, 170, 255, 403, 725, 1474 ms.

How can I calculate T1 and R1 of the pure solution of contrast media?
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Claire Kinter

Fri. 3 Aug.07,

[Start of:
'Renal Scan'
2 Replies]


Renal Scan
Hi, I'm a new transcriptionist looking for help on a captopril renal scan. Dictator says something that sounds like "a renal scan was performed 1 hour later after 10.3 (millicreets) of (garbled poss MAG3. Any help would be appreciated ASAP. Thank You
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Thu. 2 Aug.07,

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1 Reply]

Contrast Agents

Is Gado listed as a contrast agent or a medicine under the FDA? Is it legal for an mri technologist to inject gado? I know we can inject contrast agents but is gado listed under the FDA as a contrast agent or is it listed as something else?
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andri anto

Mon. 18 Jun.07,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'Purchase Decision'
started by: 'Roberto Reyes'
on Wed. 6 Jun.07]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

Purchase Decision
Why you didn't see toshiba, they have speeder so you can reduce scan timing, and they have T-slip and FBI
technique, you can see artery and vein without contrast injection even in peripheral artery. I already saw and try that technique at toshiba factory, japan.

Best Regards

Andrianto, Jakarta-Indonesia
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