O-SCANâ„¢ |  |
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O-scan is manufactured and distributed by Esaote SpA
O-scan is a compact, dedicated extremity MRI system designed for easy installation and high throughput. The complete system fits in a 9' x 10' room, doesn't need for RF or magnetic shielding and it plugs in the wall. The 0.31T permanent magnet along with dual phased array RF coils, and advanced imaging protocols provide outstanding image quality and fast 25 minute complete examinations.
Esaote North America is the exclusive distributor of the O-scan system in the USA.
Device Information and Specification CLINICAL APPLICATION Dedicated Extremity
SE, HSE, HFE, GE, 2dGE, ME, IR, STIR, Stir T2, GESTIR, TSE, TME, FSE STIR, FSE ( T1, T2), X-Bone, Turbo 3DT1, 3D SHARC, 3D SST1, 3D SST2 2D: 2mm - 10 mm, 3D: 0.6 - 10 mm POWER REQUIREMENTS 100/110/200/220/230/240 | |
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