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MRI Resources
'cardiac imaging'
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
Resource Directory - Overview
Result: Searchterm 'cardiac imaging' found in 5 Resources.
More Results: News Service  (43)  Forum  (1)  
Result Pages :  [1]  
  MRI - Knowledge - Image Quality - Quality Advice
You are about to enter the world of Simply Physics Open this link in a new window
Simply Physics is dedicated to providing quality educational material covering MRI Physics for physicians and technologists and is now providing ACR MRI accreditation and MRI Quality control services.
[Keywords: ... magnetic resonance imaging, cardiac imaging, radiology physics ...]
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
North American Society for Cardiac Imaging Open this link in a new window
Advancing Cardiovascular Imaging Through Research and Education
  MRI - Knowledge - Software - General
VITAL Open this link in a new window
Vitrea 2, Imaging Software overcomes the limitations of ordinary 3D visualization systems by providing truly world-class imaging speed and ease of use. Where other software slows to a crawl, Vitrea 2 software flies! The combination of unmatched imaging speed and clinical utility is enabling physicians across all medical specialties to screen for disease at an earlier stage, diagnose conditions less-invasively, and plan surgery and other treatments with greater efficacy.
[Keywords: ... Calcium Scoring, Cardiac imaging, Cardiac Scoring ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Examinations - Cardiovascular Imaging
A guide to Cardiac Imaging - Introduction Open this link in a new window
To obtain standardized cardiac imaging planes in the shortest number of steps possible.
  MRI - Knowledge - Examinations - Cardiovascular Imaging
eMedicine - Cardiac MRI - Technical Aspects Primer : Article by Steven R K-
lepac, MD
Open this link in a new window
Cardiac MRI - Technical Aspects Primer - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart and great vessels has improved substantially over the past decade, and it is entering the mainstream of diagnostic imaging. As commercial cardiac MRI systems become more available, demand will grow exponentially. The demand for cost-effective, noninvasive, and safer technology ensures that cardiac MRI will become a mainstay in cardiac imaging. Diagnosticians must embrace and master the techniques of cardiovascular imaging and image interpretation if the full ...
Result Pages :  [1]  
Resource Directory - Overview
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
- Douglas Adams
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