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MRI News Service:
'AIN'  p65
Result: Searchterm 'AIN' found in 888 news
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Out of joint
''As America's Baby Boomers jog into the 21st century, joint pain from the most common form of arthritis continues to be a number one disabler. Until now, there has been no way to diagnose the disease until it reaches an advanced stage, after both ...'
Friday, 19 September 2008   by
Injured Brains 'Work Harder' To Perform At Same Level As Healthy People
''ScienceDaily (Sep. 11, 2008) — People who make a full recovery from head injury often report 'mental fatigue' and feeling 'not quite the same' – even though they scored well on standard cognitive tests. Now brain imaging experts with Baycrest's ...'
Thursday, 11 September 2008   by
Sales and earnings growth sustained by Dotarem
''Dotarem sales grew 31% fuelling further market share gains in all countries where it is distributed. To expand in the US, Guerbet plans to register the product for this market and will launch clinical studies between now and year-end to this ...'
Tuesday, 2 September 2008   by
T1rho-prepared balanced gradient echo for rapid 3D T1rho MRI
''To develop a T1rho-prepared, balanced gradient echo (b-GRE) pulse sequence for rapid three-dimensional (3D) T1rho relaxation mapping within the time constraints of a clinical exam (<10 minutes), examine the effect of acquisition on the measured T1rho ...'
Monday, 1 September 2008   by
A new light on the brains of people with borderline personality disorder
''In a game of give and get, the brains of people with borderline personality disorder often don't get it. In fact, an interactive economic game played between two people in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) devices revealed a brain ...'
Thursday, 7 August 2008   by
Study finds connections between genetics, brain activity and preference
''A team of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has used brain imaging, genetics and experimental psychology techniques to identify a connection between brain reward circuitry, a behavioral measurement of preference and a gene variant ...'
Wednesday, 6 August 2008   by
Multiple Sclerosis: New MRI Contrast Medium Enables Early Diagnosis In Animal Model
''ScienceDaily (Aug. 4, 2008) — In an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), neuroradiologists and neurologists of the University hospitals of Heidelberg and Würzburg have been able to visualize inflammatory tissue damage, most of which had remained ...'
Monday, 4 August 2008   by
Multiple Sclerosis: new MRI contrast medium enables early diagnosis in animal model
''In an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), neuroradiologists and neurologists of the University hospitals of Heidelberg and Würzburg have been able to visualize inflammatory tissue damage, most of which had remained unrecognized up to now, with the ...'
Friday, 1 August 2008   by
New Map IDs The Core Of The Human Brain
''ScienceDaily (July 1, 2008) — An international team of researchers has created the first complete high-resolution map of how millions of neural fibers in the human cerebral cortex -- the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher level thinking -- ...'
Tuesday, 1 July 2008   by
Neuroscientists Discover A Sense Of Adventure
''ScienceDaily (June 26, 2008) — Wellcome Trust scientists have identified a key region of the brain which encourages us to be adventurous. The region, located in a primitive area of the brain, is activated when we choose unfamiliar options, suggesting ...'
Sunday, 29 June 2008   by
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In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs.
- Sir Francis Darwin
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