MRI News Service: 'Bo' p56 |
 | | | ''ScienceDaily (Jun. 12, 2008) — When you grab a cold beverage out of the cooler this summer, what is really going on between your brain, your eyes and your hands? 'It is still a mystery, really,' says UBC computer science professor Prof. Dinesh Pai. 'No ...' | | Thursday, 12 June 2008 by www.sciencedaily.com |
 | | | ''ScienceDaily (Jun. 4, 2008) — Mammalian cells can produce tiny magnetic nuggets after the introduction of a single gene from bacteria, scientists have found. The gene MagA could become a valuable tool for tracking cells' movement through the body via ...' | | | Wednesday, 4 June 2008 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | ''Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be a doctor's best friend for detecting a tumor in the body without resorting to surgery. MRI scans use pulses of magnetic waves and gauge the return signals to identify different types of tissue in the body, ...' | | | Monday, 2 June 2008 by nanotechwire.com | |
 | | | ''Giving a major boost to the medical imaging method, a team of British researchers claim to have developed a new imaging technique that uses the body's naturally occurring compound – bicarbonate, to detect and gauge the cancerous tumors.As cancerous ...' | | | Thursday, 29 May 2008 by www.themedguru.com | |
 | | | ''VANCOUVER - The two-armed robot that made medical history last week, helping a group of Calgary doctors remove a brain tumour from a 21-year-old woman, was developed by Richmond-based MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., the same company behind the ...' | | | Monday, 19 May 2008 by www.canada.com | |
 | | | ''ScienceDaily (May 10, 2008) — Wouldn't it be nice if our doctors could predict accurately whether we would respond to a particular medication? This question is important because research studies provide information about how groups of patients tend to ...' | | | Saturday, 10 May 2008 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | ''Washington, May 9 (ANI): Researchers at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California at Berkeley have developed a potential new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is much faster and thousands of ...' | | | Friday, 9 May 2008 by www.thaindian.com | |
 | | | ''ScienceDaily (May 7, 2008) — Scientists at UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and MIT have developed nanometer-sized 'nanoworms' that can cruise through the bloodstream without significant interference from the body's immune defense system and—like tiny ...' | | | Wednesday, 7 May 2008 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | ''TORONTO, May 5 /CNW/ -- Siemens Healthcare (www.siemens.com/healthcare) showcases it latest innovations in Magnetic Resonance (MR) this week at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2008 in Toronto, May 3-9. Siemens ...' | | | Monday, 5 May 2008 by www.newswire.ca | |
 | | | ''ANN ARBOR, Mich. — As early as one week after beginning treatment for brain tumors, a new imaging analysis method was able to predict which patients would live longer, researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have ...' | | | Saturday, 19 April 2008 by www.eurekalert.org | |
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Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided
missiles and misguided men. - Martin Luther King Jr. |