MRI News Service: 'Bo' p60 |
 | | | ''ScienceDaily (Nov. 12, 2007) — The brains of full-term infants with congenital heart disease appear more similar to those of premature newborns than to the brains of normal term infants, a study conducted by researchers at UCSF has found. The study ...' | | Monday, 12 November 2007 by www.sciencedaily.com:80 |
 | | | ''ScienceDaily (Nov. 7, 2007) — Our brains, unlike the skin covering our bodies, do not wrinkle and sag as we age. But new studies show that our brains do change structurally and functionally in ways that may underlie the memory and thinking impairments ...' | | | Wednesday, 7 November 2007 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | ''The press office of the National Research Council Canada has some new details, and interviews with creators, of the world's first MRI-compatible, image-guided neurosurgical robot NeuroArm, a device we brought to your attention. Brain surgery has ...' | | | Wednesday, 7 November 2007 by www.medgadget.com | |
 | | | ''November 7, 2007 - Insidermedicine) Babies with congenital heart disease have widespread brain abnormalities before they undergo heart surgery that are similar to brain abnormalities in premature newborns, according to a study published in the New ...' | | | Wednesday, 7 November 2007 by www.insidermedicine.ca | |
 | | | ''MALVERN, Pa., Oct. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- Combining 3 Tesla strength and sensitivity with a patient-friendly, open-bore design, Siemens Medical Solutions (www.usa.siemens.com/medical) has introduced the MAGNETOM(R) Verio, a 3 Tesla (T) MRI system with a 70 ...' | | | Wednesday, 31 October 2007 by www.biospace.com | |
 | | | ''Kansas Orthopaedic Center PA began using an MRI unit last week that its provider boasts is the first of its kind in the United States. The Hologic S-scan, manufactured by Italian company Esaote, is the first extremity MRI unit that is also capable of ...' | | | Friday, 19 October 2007 by wichita.bizjournals.com | |
 | | | ''A technique that significantly boosts the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is on the verge of clinical trials which, if successful, could allow doctors to assess the effects of cancer drugs on a tumour within hours. Kevin Brindle of ...' | | | Monday, 8 October 2007 by www.rsc.org:80 | |
 | | | ''After the plot to blow up trans-Atlantic airlines with liquid explosives was uncovered in London in August 2006, there has been pressure on the airline industry, and Homeland Security, to find new ways to not only detect liquids in baggage and on ...' | | | Tuesday, 2 October 2007 by www.eurekalert.org | |
 | | | ''WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Certain contrast agents used in magnetic resonance imaging -- gadolinium-based products made by Bayer AG, GE and others -- will now carry the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's strongest, 'black box' warning. The FDA's ...' | | | Friday, 28 September 2007 by uk.reuters.com | |
 | | | ''September 13, 2007 - ST. PAUL, Minn. - People with multiple sclerosis who stop taking the drug natalizumab may experience a rebound increase in disease activity, according to a study published September 12, 2007, in the online edition of Neurology®, ...' | | | Thursday, 13 September 2007 by www.brightsurf.com | |
Result Pages |
Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently
programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest. -
Isaac Asimov |