MRI News Service: 'ffe' p42 |
 | | | ''In one of the first studies to use brain imaging with adolescents born prematurely, New Jersey researchers report that the effects of premature birth and environmental risks on the brain during the first three years of childhood continue through ...' | | Wednesday, 22 March 2006 by www.eurekalert.org |
 | | | ''In a groundbreaking new study, researchers from the University of Michigan and Harvard University use cutting-edge brain-scanning technology to explore how different regions of the brain are activated when we think about certain qualities of brands and ...' | | | Friday, 17 March 2006 by www.eurekalert.org | |
 | | | ''Brains of recovering alcoholics who smoke don?t recover physically or cognitively as well as brains of those who don't smokeSmoking appears to interfere with the brain's ability to recover from the effects of chronic alcohol abuse, according to a ...' | | | Wednesday, 15 March 2006 by www.eurekalert.org | |
 | | | ''As Epilepsy Awareness Month approaches, researchers have found a way to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect minute brain lesions in people with severe epilepsy, making surgical treatment potentially available to many more patients.
Epilepsy ...' | | | Monday, 20 February 2006 by www.eurekalert.org | |
 | | | ''Brain images of children with dyslexia taken before they received spelling instruction show that they have different patterns of neural activity than do good spellers when doing language tasks related to spelling. But after specialized treatment ...' | | | Wednesday, 8 February 2006 by www.eurekalert.org | |
 | | | ''The placebo effect can be a blessing for patients and an annoying confound for experimenters. This week, two groups tried to localize the site(s) of action of placebo analgesia. Matre et al. show that spinal processing of pain is altered by ...' | | | Tuesday, 10 January 2006 by www.eurekalert.org | |
 | | | ''SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanotechnology, using particles as
small as 100 nanometers in size, is offering exciting new possibilities for
finding and treating breast tumors, according to speakers at the 28th Annual
San Antonio Breast ...' | | | Friday, 9 December 2005 by www.prnewswire.com | |
 | | | ''People who have suffered partial paralysis from spinal-cord injury show increased activity in the part of the brain responsible for muscle movement and motor learning after 12 weeks of training on a robotic treadmill, researchers at UT Southwestern ...' | | | Wednesday, 30 November 2005 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | ''A University of Minnesota study indicates that the nicotine vaccine NicVax, which is now being tested in humans, appears safe, well-tolerated, and a potentially effective method for helping smokers kick the ...' | | | Tuesday, 29 November 2005 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | ''Research of 100 women suffering from uterine fibroids showed that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) improves the patient selection for who should receive non-surgical uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) to kill their tumors. Uterine fibroids are very ...' | | | Wednesday, 16 November 2005 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
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America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without
civilization in between. - Oscar Wilde |