(EPI Factor) The imaging speed in Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) depends on many factors. Single shot EPI should provide images within 100 ms or less. Because of this limitations, a multi shot EPI approach is in most cases preferred. The parameter 'EPI Factor' is used to specify the number of k-space profiles collected per excitation. The EPI factor 64 means a measurement time 64 times faster than a normal gradient echo sequence.
See also Echo Planar Imaging.
Echo spacing is the distance in time between the echoes in multiple echosequences like, e.g. echo planar imaging, fast spin echo. A short echo space produces compact sequence timing and less image artifacts.
The shorter the rise time, the faster the gradients and therefore the echo spacing. Gradients with a shorter echo spacing will have a better resolution and more slices per TR.
(TE) The echo time represents the time in milliseconds between the application of the 90° pulse and the peak of the echo signal in spin echo and inversion recovery pulse sequences.