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In Phase Image
The term in phase refers to an image in which the signals from two spectral components (such as fat and water) add constructively in a voxel. T1 weighted in phase images are acquired by a gradient echo-based technique with a short TR, TE and a high flip angle greater than 60 degrees. To some degree, in phase sequences are more sensitive to detection of focal hepatic lesions than out of phase for evaluating reduced lesion-to-liver contrast, but the choice for a T1 gradient echo sequence is still based on field strength, advanced imaging techniques (breath hold imaging), and physician preference.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MRI Liver In Phase  Open this link in a new window

• View the DATABASE results for 'In Phase Image' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Direct Water and Fat Determination in Two-Point Dixon Imaging
April 2013   by    
Incoherent Gradient Echo (Gradient Spoiled)InfoSheet: - Sequences -
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
The incoherent gradient echo (gradient spoiled) type of sequence uses a continuous shifting of the RF pulse to spoil the remaining transverse magnetization. The transverse magnetization is destroyed by a magnetic field gradient. This results in a T1 weighted image. Spoiling can be accomplished by RF or a gradient.
Gradient spoiling occurs after each echo by using strong gradients in the slice-select direction after the frequency encoding and before the next RF pulse. Because spins in different locations in the magnet thereby experience a variety of magnetic field strengths, they will precess at differing frequencies; as a consequence they will quickly become dephased. Magnetic field gradients are not very efficient at spoiling the transverse steady state. To be effective, the spins must be forced to precess far enough to become phased randomly with respect to the RF excitation pulse. In clinical MRI machines, the field gradients are set up in such a way that they increase and decrease relative to the center of the magnet; the magnetic field at the magnet 'isocenter' does not change.
The T1 weighting increases with the flip angle and the T2* weighting increases with echo time (TE). Typical repetition time (TR) are 30-500 ms and TE less than 15 ms.

See also Ernst Angle.
MRI Resources 
MR Guided Interventions - DICOM - MRI Accidents - Bioinformatics - Artifacts - Abdominal Imaging
Incoherent Gradient Echo (RF Spoiled)InfoSheet: - Sequences -
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
A gradient echo is generated by using a pair of bipolar gradient pulses. The gradient field is negatively pulsed, causing the spins of the xy-magnetization to dephase. A second gradient pulse is applied with the opposite polarity. During the pulsing, the spins that dephased begin to rephase and generate a gradient echo.
Spoiling can be accomplished by RF or a gradient. The incoherent RF spoiled type of a gradient echo sequence use a continuous shifting of the RF pulse to spoil the residual transverse magnetization. The phase of the RF excitation and receiver channel are varied pseudo randomly with each excitation cycle to prevent the xy magnetization from achieving steady state. T2* does not dominate image contrast, so T1 and PD weighting is practical. This method is effective and can be used to achieve a shorter TR, due to a lack of additional gradients. Spoiling eliminates the effect of the remaining xy-magnetization and leads to steady state longitudinal magnetization. These sequences can be used for breath hold, dynamic imaging and in cine and volume acquisitions.
Incoherent Spins
A state of a set of spins in which the ensemble of spins in a voxel are uniformly distributed with phases between 0 and 2p reducing the transverse magnetization in a voxel to essentially zero.
Measure of the magnetic coupling between two current carrying loops (mutual) reflecting their spatial relationship or of a loop(such as a coil) with itself (self). One of the principal determinants of the resonance frequency of a RF circuit.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Inductance' (6).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Hospitals - DICOM - Spectroscopy - Knee MRI - Coils - General
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