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Paramagnetic materials attract and repel like normal magnets when subject to a magnetic field. This alignment of the atomic dipoles with the magnetic field tends to strengthen it, and is described by a relative magnetic permeability greater than unity. Paramagnetism requires that the atoms individually have permanent dipole moments even without an applied field, which typically implies a partially filled electron shell. In pure Paramagnetism (without an external magnetic field), these atomic dipoles do not interact with one another and are randomly oriented in the absence of an external field, resulting in zero net moment.
Paramagnetic materials in magnetic fields will act like magnets but when the field is removed, thermal motion will quickly disrupt the magnetic alignment. In general, paramagnetic effects are small (magnetic susceptibility of the order of 10-3 to 10-5).
In MRI, gadolinium (Gd) one of these paramagnetic materials is used as a contrast agent. Through interactions between the electron spins of the paramagnetic gadolinium and the water nuclei nearby, the relaxation rates (T1 and T2) of the water protons are increased (T1 and T2 times are decreased), causing an increase in signal on T1 weighted images.

See also contrast agents, magnetism, ferromagnetism, superparamagnetism, and diamagnetism.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Paramagnetism' (11).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Magnet basics
Wednesday, 23 November 2005   by    
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Part Per Million
(ppm) A unit of proportion equal to 10-6.
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Partial Averaging
Partial averaging is a scan time reduction method that takes advantage of the complex conjugate of the k-space. The number of phase encoding steps of the acquisition matrix are reduced in the phase encoding direction.
Since negative values of phase encoded measurements are identical to corresponding positive values, only a little over half (more than 62.5%) of a scan actually needs to be acquired to replicate an entire scan. This results in a reduction in scan time at the expense of signal to noise ratio. The time reduction can be nearly a factor of two, but full resolution is maintained.
Partial Fourier averaging can be used when scan times are long, the signal to noise ratio is not critical and where full spatial resolution is required. Partial averaging is particularly appropriate for scans with a large field of view and relatively thick slices; and in 3D scans with many slices. In some fast scanning techniques the use of partial averaging enables a shorter TE thus improving contrast.
Partial averaging is also called Fractional NEX, Half Scan, Half Fourier, Phase Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side Encoding.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Averaging' (4).Open this link in a new window

Partial Echo
(PE) The partial echo technique (also called fractional echo) is used to shorten the minimum echo time. By the acquisition of only a part of k-space data this technique benefits (like all partial Fourier techniques) from the complex conjugate symmetry between the k-space halves (this is called Hermitian symmetry).
The dephasing gradient in the frequency direction is reduced, and the duration of the readout gradient and the data acquisition window are shortened. Partial echo gives a better SNR at a given TE when a smaller FOV or thinner slices are selected, allows a longer sampling time, and a larger water fat shift (WFS, see also bandwidth) due to a lower gradient amplitude. The resolution is not affected. This is often used in gradient echo sequences (e.g. FLASH, Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography) to reduce the echo time and yields a lower gradient moment. The disadvantage of using a partial echo can be a lower SNR, although this may be partly offset by the reduced echo time.
Also called Fractional Echo, Read Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side View.

See also Partial Fourier Technique and acronyms for 'partial echo' from different manufacturers.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Echo' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Method and apparatus for subterranean formation flow imaging
Partial Flip Angle
(PFI) A flip angle of less than 90° only partially converts the z-magnetization, leaving a fraction cos a along the longitudinal direction. A flip angle of 90° converts all the z-magnetization into xy-magnetization.
When the repetition time is shorter than T1, the use of a partial flip angle can lead to higher signal intensity. The maximum signal intensity is given by the Ernst angle. For spin echo pulse sequences using an odd number of 180° pulses, an effect similar to the use of a partial flip angle is obtained by using a flip angle greater than 90° to offset the inversion of the remaining longitudinal magnetization by the 180° pulse.
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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

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