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 MRI Database 
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S--Sa   Sa-Sc   Sc-Se   Se-Se     Se-Se   Se-Se   Sh-Sh   Sh-SH   Sh-Sh   SH-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Sk-Sl   Sl-Sl   Sl-So   So-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   SP-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-St   St-St   St-St   St-Su   Su-Su   Su-Sw   Sy-Sy   Sy-Sy   
MRI Resources 
Spectroscopy pool - MRI Reimbursement - RIS - Online Books - Claustrophobia - Safety Training
Segmented K-Space Data Acquisition
A set of k-space lines collected in a specified order but not constituting a complete coverage of k-space, thus can be used in conjunction with all ultrafast MRI techniques. Several segmental acquisitions may need to be run for complete coverage of k-space. If these lines are recorded for a single rather than multiple images, imaging time can be shortened considerably maintaining an acceptable temporal resolution.
For example, rapidly acquiring eight k-space lines per segment after each trigger until 128 lines of k-space are acquired in 16 triggers, thus makes image acquisition of multiple cardiac phases or anatomical slices possible in a breath-hold.
Selective Excitation
Controlling the frequency spectrum (bandwidth) of a RF pulse (via tailoring) while imposing a magnetic field gradient on spins, such that only a desired region will have an appropriate resonant frequency to be excited.
Originally used to excite all but a desired region; now often used to select only a desired region, such as a plane, for excitation. Used without simultaneous magnetic field gradients, tailored RF pulses can be used to selectively excite a particular spectral line or group of lines. RF and gradient pulse combinations can be designed to select both spatial regions and spectral frequencies.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Selective Excitation' (17).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Artifacts - Education - Mobile MRI - Examinations - Claustrophobia - Corporations
Selective Irradiation
Self Induction
Magnetic field produced in a coil of wire that opposes the AC current being conducted.
Self Shielding
Magnetic shielding by attaching a high permeability yoke to the magnet (passive shielding) or by incorporating additional magnetic field-generating coils designed to reduce the external field (active shielding).

See also Magnetic shielding, Active Shielding and Passive Shielding.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Self Shielding' (3).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Libraries - Nerve Stimulator - Implant and Prosthesis - IR - Fluorescence - Brain MRI
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S--Sa   Sa-Sc   Sc-Se    Se-Se    Se-Se   Se-Se   Sh-Sh   Sh-SH   Sh-Sh   SH-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Si-Si   Sk-Sl   Sl-Sl   Sl-So   So-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   SP-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-Sp   Sp-St   St-St   St-St   St-Su   Su-Su   Su-Sw   Sy-Sy   Sy-Sy   
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