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Signal Averaging
A signal to noise improvement method that is accomplished by taking the average of several FID`s made under similar conditions to suppress the effects of random variations or random artifacts. It is a common method to increase the SNR by averaging several measurements of the signal.
The number of averages is also referred to as the number of excitations (NEX) or the number of acquisitions (NSA). Doubling the number of acquisitions will increase the SNR by √2. The approximate amount of improvement in signal to noise (SNR) ratio is calculated as the square root of the number of excitations.
By using multiple averages, respiratory motion can be reduced in the same way that multiple averages increase the signal to noise ratio. NEX/NSA will increase SNR but will not affect contrast unless the tissues are being lost in noise (low CNR). Scan time scales directly with NEX/NSA and SNR as the square root of NEX/NSA.
The use of phase array coils allows the number of signal averages to be decreased with their superior SNR and resolution, thereby decreasing scan time.

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Societies - Used and Refurbished MRI Equipment - Calculation - Image Quality - MRCP - Education
Partial Averaging
Partial averaging is a scan time reduction method that takes advantage of the complex conjugate of the k-space. The number of phase encoding steps of the acquisition matrix are reduced in the phase encoding direction.
Since negative values of phase encoded measurements are identical to corresponding positive values, only a little over half (more than 62.5%) of a scan actually needs to be acquired to replicate an entire scan. This results in a reduction in scan time at the expense of signal to noise ratio. The time reduction can be nearly a factor of two, but full resolution is maintained.
Partial Fourier averaging can be used when scan times are long, the signal to noise ratio is not critical and where full spatial resolution is required. Partial averaging is particularly appropriate for scans with a large field of view and relatively thick slices; and in 3D scans with many slices. In some fast scanning techniques the use of partial averaging enables a shorter TE thus improving contrast.
Partial averaging is also called Fractional NEX, Half Scan, Half Fourier, Phase Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side Encoding.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Averaging' (4).Open this link in a new window

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Mobile MRI - Safety Products - General - Corporations - Non-English - MRI Centers
Long Term Averaging
(LOTA) Data averaging for reducing motion artifacts.
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Partial Volume AveragingInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
This happens whenever a structure is only partly within the imaging section, pixel or voxel. The consequence is that the signals of the structure and the adjacent or surrounding structures present in the section, pixel or voxel are averaged.
As a result erroneous pixel or voxel signal values result. This can lead to diagnostic misinterpretations.

See also Partial Volume Artifact.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Volume Averaging' (2).Open this link in a new window

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Equipment - Liver Imaging - Pediatric and Fetal MRI - MRI Accidents - Mobile MRI - Breast Implant
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