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ContraindicationsForum -
related threadsMRI Resource Directory:
 - Safety -
The principal contraindications of the MRI procedure are mostly related to the presence of metallic implants in a patient. The risks of MRI scans increase with the used field strength. In general, implants are becoming increasingly MR safe and an individual evaluation is carried out for each case.
mri safety guidance
MRI Safety Guidance
Some patients should not be examined in MRI machines, or come closer than the 5 Gauss line to the system.

Absolute Contraindications for the MRI scan:
electronically, magnetically, and mechanically activated implants
ferromagnetic or electronically operated active devices like automatic cardioverter defibrillators
metallic splinters in the eye
ferromagnetic haemostatic clips in the central nervous system (CNS)

Patients with absolute contraindications should not be examined or only with special MRI safety precautions. Patients with an implanted cardiac pacemaker have been scanned on rare occasions, but pacemakers are generally considered an absolute contraindication. Relative contraindications may pose a relative hazard, and the type and location of an implant should be assessed prior to the MRI examination.

Relative Contraindications for the MRI scan:
other pacemakers, e.g. for the carotid sinus
lead wires or similar wires (MRI Safety risk)
prosthetic heart valves (in high fields, if dehiscence is suspected)
haemostatic clips (body)

Osteosynthesis material is usually anchored so well in the patients that no untoward effect will result. Another effect on metal parts in the patient's body is the heating of these parts through induction. In addition, image quality may be severely degraded. The presence of other metallic implants such as surgical clips etc. should be made known to the MRI operators. Most of these materials are non-magnetic, but if magnetic, they can pose a hazard.

See also MRI safety, Pregnancy, Claustrophobia and Tattoos.
Radiology-tip.comradRadiation Safety,  As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.comUltrasound Safety
• For this and other aspects of MRI safety see our InfoSheet about MRI Safety.
• Patient-related information is collected in our MRI Patient Information.

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• Related Searches:
    • Implants
    • MRI Safety
    • MRI Risks
    • Nerve Stimulator
    • Adverse Reaction
Further Reading:
MRI in Patients with Implanted Devices: Current Controversies
Monday, 1 August 2016   by    
Newer Heart Devices Safe During MRI
Monday, 23 August 2004   by    
Physics of MRI Safety
FDA Releases New Guidance On Establishing Safety, Compatibility Of Passive Implants In MR Environments
Tuesday, 16 December 2014   by    
  News & More:
Women with permanent make-up tattoos suffer horrific facial burns after going in for MRI scans - which create an electric current in the ink
Monday, 4 July 2016   by    
Positive diagnosis for neural therapeutic implants
Tuesday, 19 April 2016   by    
Codman Neuro develops new MRI-resistant programmable valve for treatment of hydrocephalus
Tuesday, 22 September 2015   by    
MRI Safety Resources 
Guidance - Cochlear Implant - Safety pool - Implant and Prosthesis pool - Stent
Flow QuantificationInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
Quantification relies on inflow effects or on spin phase effects and therefore on quantifying the phase shifts of moving tissues relative to stationary tissues.
With properly designed pulse sequences (see phase contrast sequence) the pixel by pixel phase represents a map of the velocities measured in the imaging plane. Spin phase effect-based flow quantification schemes use pulse sequences specifically designed so that the phase angle in a pixel obtained upon measuring the signal is proportional to the velocity. As the relation of the phase angle to the velocity is defined by the gradient amplitudes and the gradient switch-on times, which are known, velocity can be determined quantitatively on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Once, this velocity is known, the flow in a vessel can be determined by multiplying the pixel area with the pixel velocity. Summing this quantity for all pixels inside a vessel results in a flow volume, which is measured, e.g. in ml/sec.
Flow related enhancement-based flow quantification techniques (entry phenomena) work because spins in a section perpendicular to the vessel of interest are labeled with some radio frequency RF pulse. Positional readout of the tagged spins some time T later will show the distance D they have traveled.
For constant flow, the velocity v is obtained by dividing the distance D by the time T : v = D/T. Variations of this basic principle have been proposed to measure flow, but the standard methods to measure velocity and flow use the spin phase effect.
Cardiac MRI sequences are used to encode images with velocity information. These pulse sequences permit quantification of flow-related physiologic data, such as blood flow in the aorta or pulmonary arteries and the peak velocity across stenotic valves.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Flow Quantification' (6).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Patient Information - Most Wanted - Abdominal Imaging - Education - Safety Training - Journals
Truncation ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Please note that there are different common names for this artifact.
Artifact Information
Edge ringing, syrinx-like stripe
Sharp changes in intensity (incomplete digitization of the echo)
Take more samples
A data truncation artifact may occur when the interface between high and low signal intensities is encountered in one imaging plane. The 2D-FT techniques transform the MR signal to spatial intensity image data with frequency and phase information encoding each axis in the plane of the scan. This artifact is found in both frequency and phase axes. Artifactual ripples adjacent to edges in an image or sharp features in a spectrum, caused by omission of higher frequency terms in Fourier transformation, particularly with the use of zero filling to replace unsampled higher frequencies.
Complex shapes are specified by series of sine and cosine waves of various frequencies, phase and amplitude. Some shapes are more difficult to encode than others. The most difficult shapes to represent with Fourier series of terms are waveforms with instantaneous transitions, tissue discontinuities or edges. The low-frequency components of the series describe the overall shape of the step function. Higher frequency components are needed to describe the corners if the step function more accurately. If not enough samples are taken, these areas cannot be accurately represented. The truncation of the infinite data series results in a ringing artifact because of the inability to accurately approximate this tissue discontinuity with a shorter truncated data set. Therefore, the ringing that occurs at all tissue boundaries on MR is called truncation artifact.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
This problem can be easily resolved by taking more samples - a higher acquisition matrix and/or a smaller FOV. See Gibbs Artifact and Gibbs Phenomenon.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Truncation Artifact' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
2003   by    
Searchterm 'Cation' was also found in the following services: 
News  (222)  Resources  (163)  Forum  (75)  
Intensification Factor
Ratio of exposure without screens to that with screens to produce the same optical density.
MRI Resources 
Safety pool - MRA - Open Directory Project - MRI Accidents - MRI Reimbursement - Collections
Picture Archiving and Communication SystemMRI Resource Directory:
 - PACS -
(PACS) A system used to communicate and archive medical imaging data, mostly images and associated textural data generated in a radiology department, and disseminated throughout the hospital. A PACS is usually based on the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard.
The main components in the PACS are:
acquisition devices where the images are acquired,
short and longer term archives for storage of digital and textural data,
a database and database management,
diagnostic and review workstations,
software to run the system,
a communication network linking the system components,
interfaces with other networks (hospital and radiological information systems).

Acquisition devices, which acquire their data in direct digital format, like a MRI system, are most easily integrated into a PACS.
Short term archives need to have rapid access, such as provided by a RAID (redundant array of independent disks), whereas long term archives need not have such rapid access and can be consigned, e.g. to optical disks or a magnetic.
High speed networks are necessary for rapid transmission of imaging data from the short term archive to the diagnostic workstations. Optical fiber, ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), fast or switched Ethernet, are examples of high speed transmission networks, whereas demographic textural data may be transmitted along conventional Ethernet.
Sophisticated software is a major element in any hospital-wide PACS. The software concepts include: preloading or prefetching of historical images pertinent to current examinations, worklists and folders to subdivide the vast mass of data acquired in a PACS in a form, which is easy and practical to access, default display protocols whereby images are automatically displayed on workstation monitors in a prearranged clinically logical order and format, and protocols radiologists can rapidly report worklists of undictated examinations, using a minimum of computer manipulation.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Picture Archiving and Communication System' (5).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Picture Archiving and Communication System' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Healthcare IT Yellow Pages PACS / Image Management Directory
MRI Resources 
Shoulder MRI - Artifacts - Online Books - - Societies - Supplies
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