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(TFE) Turbo field echo is a gradient echo pulse sequence with data acquisition after an initial 180° (similar to IR) preparation pulse for contrast enhancement. The difference between a FFE and TFE other than the speed of the sequence is that the image is acquired while approaching steady state (the echoes are collected during the time in which the tissues are experiencing T1 relaxation).
The contrast is prepared one time, which means the contrast is changing while the echoes are collected and can be manipulated by selecting the type and timing of the prepulse.
A delay time is given before the actual image acquisition. To achieve T1 contrast the 180° prepulse is followed by an operator selected delay time, that results in no signal from the targeted tissue. So when the echoes are acquired, no signal is present, additional RF spoiling is performed to optimize for T1 contrast.
The delay chosen corresponds to when T1 relaxation reaches and suppresses T1 signal or optimizes the difference between tissues. Contrast for these sequences are enhanced when K-space is filled using a centric or low-high ordering.
A TFE can be acquired with a 2D or 3D technique and with or without T1, T2 weighting.
See Ultrafast Gradient Echo Sequence, TurboFLASH and Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo (MPRAGE). | |  | | | | | | | Further Reading: | Basics:
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This family of sequences uses a balanced gradient waveform. This waveform will act on any stationary spin on resonance between 2 consecutive RF pulses and return it to the same phase it had before the gradients were applied.
A balanced sequence starts out with a RF pulse of 90° or less and the spins in the steady state. Prior to the next TR in the slice encoding, the phase encoding and the frequency encoding direction, gradients are balanced so their net value is zero. Now the spins are prepared to accept the next RF pulse, and their corresponding signal can become part of the new transverse magnetization. If the balanced gradients maintain the longitudinal and transverse magnetization, the result is that both T1 and T2 contrast
are represented in the image.
This pulse sequence produces images with increased signal from fluid (like T2 weighted sequences), along with retaining T1 weighted tissue contrast. Balanced sequences are particularly useful in cardiac MRI. Because this form of sequence is extremely dependent on field homogeneity, it is essential to run a shimming prior the acquisition.
Usually the gray and white matter contrast is poor, making this type of sequence unsuited for brain MRI. Modifications like ramping up and down the flip angles can increase signal to noise ratio and contrast of brain tissues (suggested under the name COSMIC - Coherent Oscillatory State acquisition for the Manipulation of Image Contrast).
These sequences include e.g. Balanced Fast Field Echo (bFFE), Balanced Turbo Field Echo ( bTFE), Fast Imaging with Steady Precession ( TrueFISP, sometimes short TRUFI), Completely Balanced Steady State (CBASS) and Balanced SARGE (BASG). | | | |  | | • View the DATABASE results for 'Balanced Sequence' (5).
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In the last years, cardiac MRI techniques have progressively improved. No other noninvasive imaging modality provides the same degree of contrast and temporal resolution for the assessment of cardiovascular anatomy and pathology. Contraindications MRI are the same as for other magnetic resonance techniques.
The primary advantage of MRI is extremely high contrast resolution between different tissue types, including blood. Moreover, MRI is a true 3 dimensional imaging modality and images can be obtained in any oblique plane along the true cardiac axes while preserving high temporal and spatial resolution with precise demonstration of cardiac anatomy without the administration of contrast media.
Due to these properties, MRI can precisely characterize cardiac function and quantify cavity volumes, ejection fraction, and left ventricular mass. In addition, cardiac MRI has the ability to quantify flow (see flow quantification), including bulk flow in vessels, pressure gradients across stenosis, regurgitant fractions and shunt fractions. Valve morphology and area can be determined and the severity of stenosis quantified. In certain disease states, such as myocardial infarction, the contrast resolution of MRI is further improved by the addition of extrinsic contrast agents (see myocardial late enhancement).
A dedicated cardiac coil, and a field strength higher than 1 Tesla is recommended to have sufficient signal. Cardiac MRI acquires ECG gating. Cardiac gating (ECGs) obtained within the MRI scanner, can be degraded by the superimposed electrical potential of flowing blood in the magnetic field. Therefore, excellent contact between the skin and ECG leads is necessary. For male patients, the skin at the lead sites can be shaved. A good cooperation of the patient is necessary because breath holding at the end of expiration is practiced during the most sequences.
See also Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes.
For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see Cardiac Ultrasound at Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.com.
See also the related poll results: ' In 2010 your scanner will probably work with a field strength of' and ' MRI will have replaced 50% of x-ray exams by' | | | |  | | • View the DATABASE results for 'Cardiac MRI' (15).
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MRI technology visualizes heart metabolism in real time Friday, 18 November 2022 by medicalxpress.com |  |  |
Even early forms of liver disease affect heart health, Cedars-Sinai study finds Thursday, 8 December 2022 by www.eurekalert.org |  |  |
MRI sheds light on COVID vaccine-associated heart muscle injury Tuesday, 15 February 2022 by www.sciencedaily.com |  |  |
Radiologists must master cardiac CT, MRI to keep pace with demand: The heart is not a magical organ Monday, 1 March 2021 by www.radiologybusiness.com |  |  |
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the heart (myocardium) Sunday, 30 August 2020 by github.com |  |  |
Non-invasive diagnostic procedures for suspected CHD: Search reveals informative evidence Wednesday, 8 July 2020 by medicalxpress.co |  |  |
Cardiac MRI Becoming More Widely Available Thanks to AI and Reduced Exam Times Wednesday, 19 February 2020 by www.dicardiology.com |  |  |
Controlling patient's breathing makes cardiac MRI more accurate Friday, 13 May 2016 by www.upi.com |  |  |
Precise visualization of myocardial injury: World's first patient-based cardiac MRI study using 7T MRI Wednesday, 10 February 2016 by medicalxpress.com |  |  |
New technique could allow for safer, more accurate heart scans Thursday, 10 December 2015 by www.gizmag.com |
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Drug Information and Specification
T1, Predominantly positive enhancement
Intravascular, extracellular, renal excretion
0.1 mmol/kg / 0.2mL/kg
Finished product
Neuro/whole body
For sale
Vials of 5, 10, 15, 20mL Pre-filled syringes of 15 and 20 mL
Distribution Information
France, Switzerland
for sale
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