echo planar imaging and high-performance
MRI gradient systems create fast-switching magnetic fields that can stimulate muscle and nerve tissues produced by either changing the electrical resistance or the potential of the
excitation. There are apparently no effects on the conduction of impulses in the nerve fiber up to
field strength of 0.1 T. A preliminary study has indicated neurological effects by exposition to a
whole body imager at 4.0 T. Theoretical examinations argue that field strengths of 24 T are required to produce a 10% reduction of nerve impulse conduction
Nerve stimulations during
MRI scans can be induced by very rapid changes of the
magnetic field. This stimulation may occur for example during
diffusion weighted sequences or
diffusion tensor imaging and can result in muscle contractions caused by effecting motor nerves. The so-called magnetic phosphenes are attributed to
magnetic field variations and may occur in a threshold field change of between 2 and 5 T/s. Phosphenes are stimulations of the optic nerve or the retina, producing a flashing light sensation in the eyes. They seem not to cause any damage in the eye or the nerve.
Varying magnetic fields are also used to stimulate bone-healing in non-unions and pseudarthroses. The reasons why pulsed magnetic fields support bone-healing are not completely understood. The mean threshold levels for various stimulations are 3600 T/s for the heart, 900 T/s for the respiratory system, and 60 T/s for the peripheral nerves.
Guidelines in the United States limit switching rates at a factor of three below the mean threshold for peripheral nerve stimulation. In the event that changes in nerve conductivity happens, the
MRI scan parameters should be adjusted to reduce
dB/dt for nerve stimulation.