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T2 Weighted ImageInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
T2 weighted imaging relies upon local dephasing of spins following the application of the transverse energy pulse. The contrast of a T2 weighted image is predominantly dependent on T2 and the T2 dependence will be increased by using a long echo time.
Fat has a shorter T2 time than water and relaxes or decays more readily than water. Since the amount of transverse magnetization in fat is small, fat generates very little signal on a strong T2 weighted contrast image and appears intermediate to dark. The T2 weighting is stronger with a longer TE. Water has a very high T2 constant, therefore has very high T2 signal and thus appears bright on a T2 contrast image. Cerebral white matter (fat containing) is less intense than grey matter. Flowing blood (flow effects) and haematomas (haemoglobin, haemosiderin) have a variable signal intensity on MR images.
Images created with TR's and TE's to enhance T2 contrast are referred to as T2 weighted images. Both T1 and T2 weighted images are acquired for most medical MRI examinations.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Lumbar Spine T2 FSE Sagittal  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Shoulder Axial T2 FatSat FRFSE  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Lumbar Spine T2 FSE Axial  Open this link in a new window
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    • Relaxation Time
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Further Reading:
T2* cardiac MRI allows prediction of severe reperfusion injury after STEMI
Tuesday, 9 November 2010   by    
  News & More:
Periodical assessment of four horns of knee meniscus using MR T2 mapping imaging in volunteers before and after amateur marathons
Friday, 15 July 2022   by    
New MRI technique offers faster diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Monday, 1 February 2016   by    
MRI measurement tools to help diagnose veterans' traumatic brain injuries
Wednesday, 18 March 2015   by    
New MR sequence helps radiologists more accurately evaluate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries
Thursday, 23 April 2009   by    
MRI Resources 
Distributors - Anatomy - General - Service and Support - Veterinary MRI - PACS
Time Echo
(TE) Time between middle of exciting (e.g., 90°) RF pulse and middle of spin echo production. For multiple echoes, use TE1, TE2, etc. When the RF spin echo and gradient echo are not coincident in time, TE refers to the time of the gradient spin echo. See also Echo Time.
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Turbo Spin Echo Turbo Factor
(TSE TF) The turbo factor is the number of echoes acquired after each excitation. This is a measure of the scan time acceleration, e.g. at turbo factor 3 the scan time is 3 times faster as a SE sequence with comparable parameters. In combination with profile order and effective echo time the TSE turbo factor controls the echo spacing.

See also Scan Time and Echo Spacing.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Turbo Spin Echo Turbo Factor' (5).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Comparison of Fast Spin-Echo Versus Conventional Spin-Echo MRI forEvaluating Meniscal Tears
June 2005   by    
Searchterm 'Echo Time' was also found in the following services: 
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Volumetric Imaging
Volumetric imaging is a 3D technique where all the MRI signals are collected from the entire tissue sample and imaged as a whole entity, therefore providing a high signal to noise ratio. The acquisition of isotropic voxels or thin slices with high spatial resolution allows to create multiplanar reconstructions in all planes; a compensation for the usually longer scan time. The acquisition time can be reduced by parallel imaging technique.
New T2 weighted variants of 3D sequences (FSE-XETA, T2-SPACE, VISTA) have been introduced that differ from conventional FSE sequences. An echo train containing up to 200 echoes obtained at a minimum echo spacing allows very fast acquisition. A flip angle modulation (flip angle sweep - FAS) during the FSE readout carries magnetization as long as possible to avoid blurring and provide optimal signal at the effective echo time. This type of imaging is well suited for brain and spine MRI procedures.
Newer T1 weighted variants include Liver Acquisition with Volume Acquisition (LAVA) and T1W High Resolution Isotropic Volume Examination (THRIVE), which have advantages for dynamic breath hold imaging in liver and abdominal examinations.

See also Volume Imaging, 3 Dimensional Imaging.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Brain MRI Sagittal T1 001  Open this link in a new window
 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 MRI of the Skull Base  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for 'Volumetric Imaging' (4).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Volumetric Imaging' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Cutting Edge Imaging of THE Spine
February 2007   by    
MRI Resources 
Colonography - Societies - Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Used and Refurbished MRI Equipment - Bioinformatics - Intraoperative MRI
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