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Larmor Frequency
The Larmor precession frequency is the rate of precession of a spin packet under the influence of a magnetic field. The frequency of an RF signal, which will cause a change in the nucleus spin energy level, is given by the Larmor equation. The frequency is determined by the gyro magnetic ratio of atoms and the strength of the magnetic field. The gyromagnetic ratio is different for each nucleus of different atoms.
The stronger the magnetic field, the higher the precessional frequency. If an RF pulse at the Larmor frequency is applied to the nucleus of an atom, the protons will alter their alignment from the direction of the main magnetic field to the direction opposite the main magnetic field. As the proton tries to realign with the main magnetic field, it will emit energy at the Larmor frequency. By varying the magnetic field across the body with a magnetic field gradient, the corresponding variation of the Larmor frequency can be used to encode the position. For protons (hydrogen nuclei), the Larmor frequency is 42.58 MHz/Tesla.

See also Larmor Equation.
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Further Reading:
Magnetic resonance imaging
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Magnetic resonance-guided motorized transcranial ultrasound system for blood-brain barrier permeabilization along arbitrary trajectories in rodents
Thursday, 24 December 2015   by    
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Magnetic Resonance
(MR) Resonance phenomenon resulting in the absorption and/or emission of electromagnetic energy by nuclei (for that reason also nuclear magnetic resonance) or electrons in a static magnetic field, after excitation by a suitable RF magnetic field.
The peak resonance frequency is proportional to the magnetic field, and is given by the Larmor equation. Only unpaired electrons or nuclei with a spin exhibit magnetic resonance. The absorption or emission of energy by atomic nuclei in an external magnetic field after the application of RF excitation pulses using frequencies, which satisfy the conditions of the Larmor equation.
The magnetic resonance phenomenon may be used in one of these ways:
By manipulation of the external field (application of gradient fields), the resonance frequency can become dependent on spatial location, and hence images may be generated (MRI).
The effect of the electron cloud in any atom or molecule is to slightly shield the nucleus from the external field, thus giving any chemical species a characteristic frequency. This gives rise to 'spectra' where nuclei in a molecule give rise to specific signals, thus facilitating the detection of individual chemicals by means of their frequency spectra (MRS)

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Further Reading:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, History & Introduction
2000   by    
  News & More:
The 2003 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
2003   by    
MRI Resources 
Bioinformatics - Pathology - Contrast Enhanced MRI - NMR - Spine MRI - Fluorescence
The numbers of nuclei or electrons in different energy levels. At thermal equilibrium, the relative populations of the energy levels will be given by the Boltzmann distribution.

See also Boltzmann Distribution.

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Radio FrequencyForum -
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(RF) Radio frequency refers to that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in which electromagnetic waves can be generated by alternating current fed to an antenna.
The RF pulses used in MRI are commonly in the 1-100 megahertz range, and their effect upon a body is potential heating of tissues and foreign bodies, such as metallic implants, mainly at the surface.
This is a principal area of concern for MRI safety limits caused by absorption (see specific absorption rate) of the applied pulses of RF energy.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
The higher the frequency, the larger will be the amount of heat developed.
The more ionic the biochemical environment in the tissue, the more energy that will be deposited as heat.
This effect is well known for homogeneous model systems, but the complex structure of various human tissues makes detailed theoretical calculations very difficult, if not impossible. By scanning problems, it is important to verify the transmission frequency. If the RF transmitted into the patient was, e.g. 5000 Hz lower than the resonance frequency of the protons, no protons was excited, and no signal returns.

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• View the NEWS results for 'Radio Frequency' (2).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Radio frequency
  News & More:
On the estimation of the worst-case implant-induced RF-heating in multi-channel MRI.
Thursday, 2 March 2017   by    
Safety and reliability of Radio Frequency Identification Devices in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography
Thursday, 4 February 2010   by    
Radiologists Offer Non-surgical Treatment For Early-stage Liver Cancer
Saturday, 5 March 2005   by    
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Resonance Frequency
The frequency at which the resonance phenomenon occurs. The resonance frequency is given by the Larmor equation for MRI and is determined by the inductance and capacitance for RF circuits. An atom will only absorb external energy if that energy is delivered at precisely it's resonant frequency.
The Larmor equation states that the resonance frequency of a magnetic nucleus (the radio frequency needed to excite a nucleus to the higher spin rate) is directly proportional to the magnetic environment it experiences. Atoms such as hydrogen-1 (1H) and phosporous-31 (31P) resonate at different Larmor radio frequencies because of differences in the magnetic properties of their nuclei. The resonance frequency at 1.5 T for 31P is 25.85 MHz, for 1H, 63.86 MHz.

See also Larmor Frequency.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Resonance Frequency' (14).Open this link in a new window

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